Cloth Diapering

How long will wet cloth wipes keep?

DD is in daycare during the day, so we don't use many wipes at home.  I just got an empty wipes container to keep wipes wet in.  Before I was wetting them one at a time, which was kindof a pain to me.  I've heard of people saying to not wet too many beforehand or they'll get moldy.  How long before that happens?  You think I can at least put a few days worth in there?  It's not a warmer, just an empty container.

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Re: How long will wet cloth wipes keep?

  • When it was warm out they'd get musty if I did more than a day's worth ahead of time. Now I only do a couple of days. DD goes to my sister's for childcare. I wet a day's worth and put them in Actually, she used to make these the size of wipes, but they're the same thing. I put these in the diaper bag with the diapers and other stuff.
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  • I make a wipe solution with three drops of tea tree oil and my wipes have lasted 4 days with no musty smell or mold.
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