Austin Babies

***TTC check-in***

kimbiebridekirknsarahMnMShawAustinMimiKiarox2002KristinD3sandieleeannAustinAggie01amycory2008a-c-dSareBear30AustinBrideAugust8080katattackRisa-4-11-09 agran Audra_Torrey 


On Hold
FireChiefsBrideEMTXOrangeFelt Any updates this week? GL to everyone! And since I'm feeling saucy, a controversial QOTW: how do you feel about circumcision? 
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Re: ***TTC check-in***

  • QOTW: I don't think we would circumcise since it just doesn't seem necessary to either me or DH. I don't buy any of those arguments about it being harder to clean and whatnot. I don't have really strong feelings about it, but I am happy that it's becoming less common so that uncirc'ed boys are not the odd guys out in the locker room or wherever boys see each others' wangs.

    Update: I had a surgical procedure done on my kidney yesterday (am home resting today and tomorrow) and I will be happy to get the clearance to TTC again. It's a little daunting to think of being heavily pregnant all through the summer, though, but I'll take it in a heartbeat if that's the case. :)


    Business Cat. image
  • School is going great! Hopefully I'll be done by this time next year. We'll see how things are going in the Spring/ Summer to see what we want to do.  The best part is that I've really been relationship-building at work so that I can get a better-paying job pretty quickly after finishing the degree.

    QOTW: I don't really have an opinion. I would defer to DH there since I think he would have a logical, well thought out response.  With his job, he does have "locker room" time w guys as an adult, so I'm sure he'd have a preference one way or another. 

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  • I have now been off BC three weeks. And per FF  I ovulated on Monday, and could very well be KU. But I havent been really thinking about it untill yesterday.  I went to see the dentist, and I need to have some work done that requires some good meds. So they want doctor confirmation that Im not PG to proceed. I did a home test today and nothing, which either way I knew it would be because its way too early. But now I have my hopes up... dang dentist ;) When I talked to the obgyn office receptionist she wasnt sure if they could even give me anything saying I was or wasnt for sure. So I guess Ill put the appt on hold for now.


    And I love that you are feeling 'saucy' .. .awesome.

    Im going to copy FCB and defer to DH. I know what my reaction is, but I dont have one so he seems like the logical person for the decision ;)


    imageDaisypath Anniversary tickers
  • No update, but since we're light on the poll this week I'll answer:)

    QOTW - I'd probably defer to DH's opinion as well. I don't really have any strong feelings either way on it. Which we've never actually talked about since he totally wants a girl (which probably guarantees us a boy Stick out tongue).  Hmm, might be interesting road trip conversation. Not quite dinner material, though.

  • UPDATE:  Last Sunday would of be day 30 for me, which is how long my last cycle was.  But so far nothing, no BFP or AF.  I have been having really bad cramps the last couple of days and I'm ready to just have it start and be done with it already.


    QOTW:  We are going to if we have a boy.  My nephew had to have it done when he was 3 and it did not go well.  He ended up back in the hosptial and had to be re-potty trained and it was a big ordeal.  I would rather just avoid any chance of that happen, it was very painful and scary for him. 

    PitaPata Dog tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • Update: Spotting heavily today at 8dpo which is a bummer for two reason. First, obviously we are probably not PG this cycle. Plus it means the Clomid isn't doing much for my LPD. I'm sure I'll be on it for at least a few more cycles, and hope it works next time!!

    QOTW: I also have no real opinion and will defer to DH.

    I applaud your sauciness, and am kind of surprised by how laid back we all are about it!

    Pregnancy Ticker CP 4w1d March '11
    Clomid 50mg June '11 - BFN
    Clomid 100 mg Oct '11 - BFN
    Clomid 150 mg Nov '11 - BFP @9dpo! Beta#1 @10dpo: 22; Beta#2 @12dpo: 67 Beta#3 @18dpo: 1069! EDD 8-16-12
    My (mostly) business travel blog
  • Update: I'm pretty sure my d@mn period is back. I've been spotting since Wednesday. %#+^ I'm waiting for the nurse to call me back to find out the plan. 

     QOTW: I would never circumsise a baby. Luckily, DH feels the same way.  :)

    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • Will you add me to the trying list? I use to be a pretty frequent poster on the knot, but that was 5 years ago. All I really have time to do now is lurk from my phone at work. I'm sure I will re-introduce myself at some point.

     Updates: I stopped taking BC going on 2 months ago. The month I stopped I had missed a few pills so just decided to stop midpack, and then started my period like 2 days later. Last month I was 2 weeks late so I guess we will see what this month has in store for us.

    QOTW: We circumsized DS. I guess that was the only thing I knew, and I let DH make that choice. If we have another one we would probably do the same.

    I'm glad to be back,  hopefully I can post more often!


  • imageAudra_Torrey:

    Will you add me to the trying list? I use to be a pretty frequent poster on the knot, but that was 5 years ago. All I really have time to do now is lurk from my phone at work. I'm sure I will re-introduce myself at some point.


    Welcome back! I added you to the list. 

    Business Cat. image
  • QOTW: I never thought I would circ but DH is pretty adamant that he wants it done.  Not a fight I'm willing to fight so we will.  I think men who are circumsized tend to want their sons to be the same-- and vice versa. 

     Update:  Had my post partum OB checkup and everything looks great.  I've stopped post partum bleeding completely and have noticed lots of fertile cervical signs so I think I'm cycling and should start aunt flo in a week or two.  We need to sit out one more cycle but we're still thinking frozen embryo transfer in the end of December first part of January-- which means I could start birth control pills for it as soon as next month.  See Dr. Vaughn on Monday to confirm that plan.  We're very scared to get pregnant again but excited too.  We want a baby in our arms more than ever.  I hope the TTC isn't as long this time around.   Although I'm really not ready for all the shots and blood draws again.  Just need to suck it up. 

    Married October 28, 2006, TTC since March 2009 IUI #1-8 w/ clomid = BFN
    IVF # 1 May, 2011 = BFP!!! Stillbirth at 26 weeks (placental failure/severe IUGR)
    FET #1 February, 2012-- BFP! Beta #1=84 Beta #2= 207 Beta #3= 3,526 Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
    Our Rainbow Baby is on the Way!
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • QOTW- we circumcised DS, and will with any other boys we have.  It was such a non-issue, DS slept through the whole thing.

    UPDATE- I Oed sometime during the night 2 days ago, so I'm 2 DPO.  CD 17!  I'm totally singing the praises of acupuncture now!  I drove up and stayed the night with DH, so our timing was excellent.  Once again, I'm getting my hopes up *so high* and I'll probably be disappointed yet again in a few weeks.  But I'm glad we didn't have to count this cycle out, at least.  

  • Update: O was very late this cycle and I am not convinced that anything is going to happen since that threw me off.  I'm bummed. 

    QOTW: Honestly, until I got on this board, I didn't really know that circumcision was controversial.  As far as I know- all the boys in my family are circumcised and DH is too.  I've never even seen an uncircumcised penis.  So as far as I am concerned our boys will be circumcised too, but I will leave all penis related decisions up to DH.

    TTC #1 since February 2011
    BFP #1 1/14/12 EDD 9/24/12 m/c at 8w4d on 2/20/12
    March 2012- Dx with PCOS, started metformin
    July 2012- SA completely normal
  • imageAudra_Torrey:

    Will you add me to the trying list? I use to be a pretty frequent poster on the knot, but that was 5 years ago. All I really have time to do now is lurk from my phone at work. I'm sure I will re-introduce myself at some point.

     Updates: I stopped taking BC going on 2 months ago. The month I stopped I had missed a few pills so just decided to stop midpack, and then started my period like 2 days later. Last month I was 2 weeks late so I guess we will see what this month has in store for us.

    QOTW: We circumsized DS. I guess that was the only thing I knew, and I let DH make that choice. If we have another one we would probably do the same.

    I'm glad to be back,  hopefully I can post more often!



    AUDRA!!  Dude!  I had to find out on the bump!!


    TTC #1 since February 2011
    BFP #1 1/14/12 EDD 9/24/12 m/c at 8w4d on 2/20/12
    March 2012- Dx with PCOS, started metformin
    July 2012- SA completely normal
  • Yesterday was do crazy I never got to check in. If anyone is reading still:

    Update: in the 2ww. Not sure when or if I ovulated last week. I never had a clear temp spike. According to CBEFM and previous patterns, I should have oed on tuesday, but FF put me at Wednesday. So I'm either 8 or 9 DPO and have BFN so far.

     QOTD: there is a side of me that is bothered my circumcising and it goes against most of my general beliefs, but I think I would lean towards doing it if it was up to me alone. However, DH feels strongly about doing it so that solidifies that we would. 


  • Sorry, I didn't check in earlier... had a really bad day yesterday:

    - grandfather passed away

    - I'm sick and the crying wasn't helping my congesting and made me throw up a couple of times

    - CD1 

    - cried in front of my boss

    - had a dinner obligation I couldn't get out of and just wanted to sleep

    - I'm out of town so couldn't get any hugs from DH or be with my parents/family.


    Anyway... yeah, so CD1 was yesterday.  It took longer after I stopped the prometrium this time which was frustrating.  And AF is dark red and clotty again... which isn't making me happy since my acupuncturist said it needs to be bright red.  At least it seems relatively heavy though... at least medium.  I'm pretty sad that it didn't happen this cycle.  I had such high hopes and our timing couldn't have been better.  Not going to lie, it's making me feel pretty down and with everything else going on right now, I'm not in a good place.

    QOTW: I'd rather not circumcise... I think it's totally unnecessary. 



    Help for Haiti: Learn What You Can Do

    BFP 12.20.2010 :: missed m/c 1/2011 around 8 weeks
    BFP @ 9dpo 5.24.2011 :: missed m/c 6/2011 around 7 weeks
    positive for ANAs (1:40) with a speckled pattern
    MTHFR c677t mutation (heterozygous)
    *folic acid, baby asprin, Prometrium, acupuncture, Lovenox*
    BFP @ 9dpo 2.1.2012 || HCG = 8 : Progesterone = 19.2
    2nd HCG @ 11dpo = 40 || 3rd HCG @ 21dpo = over 5000!
    Stick, little one, stick! EDD October 15, 2012
  • To both of the Brides: we're here for you.  You aren't alone, hence the reason for these check-ins.  Hopefully good things will come for you both, soon!
  • AustinBride, I'm so sorry for your loss. :( Lots of hugs to you.
    Business Cat. image
  • imageAustinBride06:

    Sorry, I didn't check in earlier... had a really bad day yesterday:

    - grandfather passed away

    - I'm sick and the crying wasn't helping my congesting and made me throw up a couple of times

    - CD1 

    - cried in front of my boss

    - had a dinner obligation I couldn't get out of and just wanted to sleep

    - I'm out of town so couldn't get any hugs from DH or be with my parents/family.

     big big hugs! hopefully you can take some time off (does your work offer bereavement leave?), spend it with family and take a much deserved break. 

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