Maryland Babies


Thanks for the FP iXL recommendation! TRU is supposed to have them 40% off today so I'm going to get one. 
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Re: Daisy

  • Oh great!

    Do you know what that brings the price down to? 

    The lowest price I have seen is $59 and that was for the blue one on Amazon, I am now thinking I should have gotten it for DS for his birthday.

    We have the princesses game, Ni Hao Kai-lan, and Toy Story games, if you want to borrow them and download to save $$$. When DD got hers for Christmas from my dad, he had already put all of the games on his computer and then uploaded them onto her device, but the princess game has had to be re-loaded a few times.  

    I will be honest I really don't know how the thing works that well- in terms of adding new games, pictures, etc. 

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  • It took the price to $36! I was really happy about that.  Thanks for the offer. That would be great because I just got her the Dora and Mickey Mouse.

    I guess DH will have to play around with it before Christmas so it can be ready to go when she opens it. I think she will love the fact that we can put pictures on it. Her favorite thing to do is watch slideshows of our pictures on the computer so now she can do it herself (hopefully).

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  • OMG- that's a great price!  Now I feel like I have to get DS one!  


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  • Oops- I thought my first reply didn't go through. 

    I just checked the TRU website and it looks like it's an online only sale.  I kinda want to call my dad and see if he will order it for DS, since he bought the one for DD (it was his idea and everything.)  

    All the games are 40% off too, I might have to get DD another game or 2 for Xmas. 

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  • imagedaisyterp:

    That's a GREAT price!  I think I have to get one for DS now, or maybe tell my dad to.  

    The price is only valid until 7pm tonight.

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  • Do you think your DS is too young? Just trying to get your thoughts.  My DD is around the same age and I think she'd like it, but not sure if it'd be way outdated by the time she may "understand" more. 
  • I do think my DS is a little young to really get much from it, but he swipes his sister's and knows how to get to the drawing part and goes to town. 

    My DD got hers last year for Christmas and I have been pleasantly surprised at how it has held up- it has taken a beating and while the outside is scratched up it still works fine. So I know that even if I buy it for DS now and all he gets out of it is using it as a portable scribble pad, that in 6-9 months when he can do more with it, it should still be working fine. Also if has one now it will be one less thing for them to fight over.  

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