D.C. Area Babies

Statistically this doesn't sound good right?

So many of you ladies saw my post on the nest about me getting pregnant on the IUD.  I'm still spotting and cramping like crazy and almost feel like occassionally I have braxton hicks even though I know its WAY too early to even begin to feel them. 

I had a perfect pregnancy with DS so I honestly don't remember all the numbers as long as I saw a healthy baby growing inside of me with a good heartbeat I knew I was going to be ok.  This pregnancy on the other hand has totally thrown me for a loop and my Dr's approach is to let my body do the work. I'm not the most patient person either so I'm mentally exhausted. 

So just to go back, on Oct. 30th a bloodtest confirmed the pregnancy w/ an HCG of 1200.  On Nov. 2nd it was up to 1700, progesterone was 7.4.  Went for a sono on the 3rd saw a sac in my uterus with a heartbeat in the 90's but measuring 2 weeks behind gestational age.  Dr at this point isn't all that concerned b/c its still very early on.  Fast forward to this week, I had bloodwork done Monday, HCG is up to 7200 but the progesterone dropped to 4.9. 

I'm all confused... Everywhere I read my progesterone should be between 20-40, HCG should be alot higher and my doubling time is approximately 72 hours.  I realize the HCG going up is a good thing but to me the progesterone going down should be an alarm going off. 

 Any words of wisdom? Experiences?

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Re: Statistically this doesn't sound good right?

  • First of all, congrats.  I can't even imagine how surprised you were.  I have no personal experience with either the IUD or progesterone issues, but I was just reading about progesterone on the PGAL board and they say that below 10 is usually a sign of concern, and that it should go up as you become more pregnant.  They were also saying that a lot of doctors don't buy in to trying to boost it with supplements (topical or otherwise), but others give you an Rx.  The doubling time tends to vary, but between 48 and 72 hours is usually deemed ok, although 48 hours is the gold standard.  Are you going to have another early U/S?  How many weeks were you when you had the first one?  It was good they saw a heartbeat.  Fingers crossed for you. 
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  • Congratulations! I had low progesterone in the first trimester as well and my OB put me on a Rx supplement to support the pregnancy. Low progesterone is the most treatable cause of miscarriage so I'm definitely not a fan of "wait & see" if it comes up. I was given prometrium and once my placenta developed, my body's production of progesterone shot up so I could come off the supplements. I'm now 2 weeks away from full term and having a very health pregnancy.

    Conceiving while on some form of contraception introduces a few risks in the early part of the pregnancy - if your OB practice isn't sensitive to these risks or feels no need to reduce them, then I'd be looking for another practice.

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  • imagececilyandgautam:

    Congratulations! I had low progesterone in the first trimester as well and my OB put me on a Rx supplement to support the pregnancy. Low progesterone is the most treatable cause of miscarriage so I'm definitely not a fan of "wait & see" if it comes up. I was given prometrium and once my placenta developed, my body's production of progesterone shot up so I could come off the supplements. I'm now 2 weeks away from full term and having a very health pregnancy.

    Conceiving while on some form of contraception introduces a few risks in the early part of the pregnancy - if your OB practice isn't sensitive to these risks or feels no need to reduce them, then I'd be looking for another practice.

    actually, i think there is some debate whether miscarriages are caused by low progesterone or if the low prog. is a symptom of a failing pregnancy. if there is a genetic or other underlying condition (like chromosomal) that is going to cause a miscarriage, progesterone supplements won't change that.

     that said, jitterbug - being honest, if it were me i'd probably start preparing myself. i think given both numbers being low doesn't sound good. you can ask and see if they're willing to prescribe prog. for you and see if that helps. (usually the vaginal suppositories work best) i'm so sorry you're having to deal with all this! jeez.

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • imagebelizeitornot:

    Congratulations! I had low progesterone in the first trimester as well and my OB put me on a Rx supplement to support the pregnancy. Low progesterone is the most treatable cause of miscarriage so I'm definitely not a fan of "wait & see" if it comes up. I was given prometrium and once my placenta developed, my body's production of progesterone shot up so I could come off the supplements. I'm now 2 weeks away from full term and having a very health pregnancy.

    Conceiving while on some form of contraception introduces a few risks in the early part of the pregnancy - if your OB practice isn't sensitive to these risks or feels no need to reduce them, then I'd be looking for another practice.

    actually, i think there is some debate whether miscarriages are caused by low progesterone or if the low prog. is a symptom of a failing pregnancy. if there is a genetic or other underlying condition (like chromosomal) that is going to cause a miscarriage, progesterone supplements won't change that.

     that said, jitterbug - being honest, if it were me i'd probably start preparing myself. i think given both numbers being low doesn't sound good. you can ask and see if they're willing to prescribe prog. for you and see if that helps. (usually the vaginal suppositories work best) i'm so sorry you're having to deal with all this! jeez.

    This is also my understanding.  Thanks Belize.  Guess I'll go back to waiting and seeing until Monday but I think the evitable is just days away with the increase in bleeding. 

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  • I'm sorry you're going through this.  I just recently had my most recent m/c and I would have to say your prog. numbers being that low with the HCG numbers not doubling as quickly as liked plus a low hb would give me cause for concern.

    This latest pg for me had great beta numbers and my prog. number was fine but I went on suppositories as precautionary just because I also used them with my two successful pgs.  The first step in knowing what was coming was when I went for my first sono and the baby measured a week behind and had a lower hb.  They sent me back a week later and the u/s showed just a sac and no baby so I had started to m/c on my own (I had also started to see some spotting 2 days before my last sono).

     I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, but I would also try to mentally prepare yourself.  What has your dr. said about the progesterone drop?

     If you want to ask any further questions I would be happy to try and answer them.


    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker TTC #1 Cycle #18 m/c Jan. 9, 2007, chemical pg May 4, 2007, methotrexate shot Oct. 5, 2007--m/c Oct. 9, 2007, IUI Nov. 17, 2007 It worked! beta 11/30 & 12/6 TTC #2 Cycle #5 IUI July 20, 2009 -BFN 8-3-09 Cycle #6 IUI August 17, 2009-BFP! 8-31-09, beta 9-1-09, 9-8-09, saw the H/B 9-22-09 EDD 5-10-10
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