I don't want to dry up, but I might when I stop pumping, and I DO want to stop pumping, but I'm not emotionally ready to stop BF'ing all together. But since I have all of this anxiety about drying up, can y'all tell me that I am going to be ok even if I do? Please?
DD generally nurses pretty well in the morning and at night before bed, but sometimes she just doesn't, so there is a chance this could be it, that when I stop pumping it might be the end. I can't think about it without crying.
Re: Just in case I dry up...
First of all, holymother your siggy is precious.
Secondly, you'll be okay. You'll be super sad, but then in a day or two (ish), you won't be so sad anymore. You'll realize that you still get all the snuggles you want and that you don't need BFing to get that sense of closeness. You'll realize one day that you actually enjoy having your body totally back to yourself. And A will be keeping you so busy in her second year that you really won't have much time to sit and dwell on nursing. It'll be okay.
OMG THE SIG!!!!!!!!!!
It will be okay. You will be okay. Alice will be okay. You love her to pieces and she knows that and she loves you even MORE, I bet. Your boobs have nothing to do with that. It's the way you look at her and kiss her boo-boos and make her giggle - not the breastfeeding - that makes your bond so strong. It will be okay, I promise.
(read it. you know you want to.)
anderson . september 2008
vivian . february 2010
mabel . august 2012
I echo all of the above, especially this! I thought I would cry and miss it so much. And I did, a little. And you will, too, I'm sure. But then I felt free and still completely connected to my girls, and it was glorious!
Everyone else pretty much covered it, but OMG that baby is cute.
Ditto everybody.
I also want to remind you that you may be reduced to an emotional puddle because of the hormonal adjustment. Don't panic, just breathe through it, because life will return to awesome in a few days. GL!
And um, A is SO stinking cute!! How did she get to be a year old already?!?!