

I realized today that I just dropped in yesterday without introducing myself. How rude of me- sorry! My H and I are in our late twenties, been married 4+ years and have been ttc for about 3 years. Last year at this time my younger sister delivered a healthy baby boy. 3 weeks later she decided she wasn't up for it and called H and I for help. That was a Wednesday morning.Thursday afternoon baby boy came to live with us. Talk about rocking our world! Since then we've been going thru the process of adoption. Right now we are waiting on our homestudy report. We are told the adoption should be final before the end of the year. Can't wait! It's been quite the year to say the least! I'm not on here a lot, but I look forward to learning from this board and will help answer any questions if I can.
TTC since 10.07~Diagnosed with PCOS 08.08~4 rounds of clomid=BFN~Took a break from meds... Surprise BFP 03.29.09~ Natural m/c 04.06.09~50mg clomid & progesterone 06.09=BFN

Adoption made our wish come true 12.21.11~JEC 11.10.10

Surprise BFP on 03.26.16! EDD 11.28.16

Re: Intro

  • Welcome!

    I mostly lurk here, but used to post a little more.  We have a similar story with my sister, only LO was 7 months old when he come to live with us.  (We had had him many evenings and weekends, though!)

    In addition I am an adoptee and a birthmother.

    I'm sure you'll be over the moon when your adoption is final!! 

  • Welcome from another MI bumpee! You have a very special and touching story. Best of luck to you in finalization.
    After DX- IF 1996-16 years old; IVF 1 5/2009 BFP! ;MC- 8 W6d- 6/2009
    DX w/ Protein S Deficiency and unexplained thin lining
    Multiple D&C's, Hysterscopy for removal of Scar Tissue, Endometrial Biopsy, 3 BFN FETs, including a year of cancelled due to lining issues (ranging 4.5 to 6.4),
    Procedure of arcuate uterus, Shocking lining development...9.2.
    Moved on to adoption 3/2011
    Homestudy approved! 6/27/2011
    Forever matched! 7/17/2012
    Precious baby boy born 7/30/2012
    SAIF & PAIF Always Welcome
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