Quad Cities Babies

dizzy and tired

okay, i am 15 weeks pregnant now and I am getting dizzy a lot! Plus I am still tired all the time.  Any one else?
Aug 15 April Siggy challenge: Baby Shower fails:


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Re: dizzy and tired

  • Hang in there.  The dizziness is normal but just make sure you're getting enough to eat.

    The fatigue is also completely normal.  Everyone will tell you "welcome to motherhood" or "get used to it" or some other annoying phrase.  It's still a pain to get used to being tired all the time.

    Is this your first child? 

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  • oddly no, its my third. But my "baby" at home is 13 and it seems with the other two kids, my fatigue eased up in the second trimester. Maybe its just because I am old this time. :-)

    Aug 15 April Siggy challenge: Baby Shower fails:


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  • I got the dizzy feeling with both pregnancies around 12-15 weeks.  Once I felt like I was about to black out if I didn't sit down...a total give away to co-workers that I was knocked up!

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