Background: Successful induction at 37 weeks due to pre-e in 2008. Stubborn breech baby necessitating C-section in 2010 (actually was in labor and had no clue, went to hospital bc of cramping and spotting at 38 weeks and away to the OR I went)
Now I am barely pregnant in a new state (5 weeks) went to see my OB yesterday where he laughed at me when I said I wanted to VBAC. He said the hospital here doesn't allow it! I literally teared up. I hated my CS and the recovery was awful. I CAN push a baby out... so let me!! He said he would look into it, run it pass the hospital board and would be willing to spend the night at the hospital if it was required (that's if they say it's OK)
My options are to stick with this guy to see if he can get it approved OR switch my care to the nearest big(ger) city, Macon, where they do allow VBACs. My gut says just switch but it's a 30 min drive and I have 2 kids that will need sitters every time I have an appt.
Need your advice. I will adamantly refuse a Csection. What would you do?
Re: I need your honest advice
You say Macon, so I assume Georgia. I don't know the geography of Georgia very well, but there are three ICAN chapters there. I know for a fact the Atlanta chapter is very active and know of several providers willing to take VBAC. The Middle Georgia chapter is relatively new, and then there's the Athens chapter.
ICAN of Atlanta
Contact: Elaine Mills
eMail Address:
Telephone: (770) 886-4267
Or Contact: Maureen F Hetrick
Telephone: (404) 609-9873
ICAN of Athens
Contact: Rebecca Quintana
eMail Address:
Telephone: 706-296-4857
Or Contact: Rachel Bainum
Telephone: 706-372-1687
ICAN of Middle Georgia
Macon, Warner Robins, and surrounding areas
Contact: Samantha Gilbane
eMail Address:
Telephone: 478-542-1936
Or Contact:
That's not to say you won't get some great advice here, I just know you'll get region specific advice from them.
My advice would be to find a genuinely supportive provider even if it requires sitters and travel. I have heard of MANY women through ICAN who travel states away, and stay in ATL for weeks leading up to their deliveries to deliver with one of the doctors in ATL. A 30 minute drive wouldn't personally phase me.
I say switch. Find someone who supports you--it will help you to at least enjoy your pregnancy too!
If you can, bring a lap top or portable DVD player with you to your appointments and have the kids watch while you're talking with your doc. It will keep them from climbing on everything haha.
I'm driving 40 minutes to see the VBAC doc highly recommended by my ICAN chapter and bringing DS with me to all my appointments. I like the idea of buying a portable DVD player to bring along (so I'm stealing it!!). I say, find a good doc within a reasonable distance and go with him/her - it will relieve a lot of stress. GL!
30 minutes doesn't sound far to me at all. My husband drives that far to go to wwork everyday. I brought my 2 y/o to all my OB appts--not ideal but definitely doable.
DC#2 born silent at 22 weeks 1.11.11
Dc#3 born vbac 1/2012 <bra DC#4 born VBAC 3/2014
a half hour drive is worth the chance to VBAC. My hospital is about a half hour away but I chose it for the pedatrician, not for my care. lol. Granted its a great hospital with great maturnity care, the pediatrics and NICU were my main concerns.
However, just letting your doctor look into it shouldnt be the end of the story... Write a letter to the hospital as well. Make sure its a hospital thing, not the doctor hiding behind the hospital.