I have no clue when or how this is supposed to work. Lol. When did you feel it was time to start potty training? How did you do it with lil man? I've read so many crazy stories and ideas how people did it on baby center. I'm wondering what has worked best with the lil guys and what age did they begin to become interested? Any input will help. Lil man is 17 months now and the topic has been brought up by my babysitter that he might be ready soon?!
Re: potty training your lil man
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We started talking to DS about the potty for months before we actually made an attempt. I could kind of feel him out as far as readiness was concerned and I just waited until I felt he was ready to attempt it.
We just let him run around with no bottoms on and had the potty right in the living room so it was easily accessible. ( We started a few months before he turned 3, so about 33 months). He caught on within a day or two. It was seriously that easy because he was really ready. I can count the number of accidents he has had on one hand since August
Pooping on the potty has been a whole other issue...
There is also a potty training board in the Toddlers:24months+ board you may want to check out.
We did the 3 day method with DS when he was 22 months. 2 months later he only wears diapers at night but he is starting to wake up dry more often.