So I CD but we use a sprayer.
My SIL is pregnant and will be starting to CD and has registered for a ton of liners and a sprayer. Do you need both? I was under the impression it was one or the other. I want to be sure she has what she needs but I didn't want to buy both if they cancel each other out.
Re: Liners AND a sprayer?
Makes sense. We've never had in 9 plus months a poop while out and about (knock on wood) and she is only watched in our home.
The more I thought about it the more sense it makes. At this point I would have to spray the liners out of her diapers lol.
I used some liners with DD, and I hated them. They never stayed in place. I haven't used any with DS, and I don't own a sprayer either.
I can count on one hand how many times I have had to rinse and diaper, and three of those times happened in the last three days. That being said, I have a normal pooping kid. So, I dump and throw in the pail.
I guess if you have a messy kid, then I could see the need for both.
Yeah, 90% of the time the poo is all the way up the front and all the up the back, even with solid foods. It's contained though which makes me a happy mommy. No blow outs.
For awhile and once in awhile now I can just dump it but most of the time it's everywhere and so freaking stubborn, I don't even think I could dunk and swish, I have to blast it with the sprayer. She's a super pooper. I envy you.
This. I have a newborn and use both since she's FF and BF.
She's a morning pooper. We go out daily but she usually wakes up with a dipe full of poo.
I use fleece liners that I made at home. The poop usually falls right off. For church nursery/babysitter, I prefer the Imse Vimse liners because I didn't have the bunching problem as much as I did with the Bummis.