It looks like I'm going to have to travel for work and I'll have enough freezer stash to get DS through a day and half or so, but I'll be gone 3 days.
I read that I can freeze it and then ship it using dry ice, but that I have to buy the dry ice somewhere other than the place I ship from. I'm going to be swamped and I won't have a car so I think it's going to be really difficult to go the dry ice route.
I was thinking I could probably just load up a small styrofoam cooler with ice packs and ship the frozen milk. It might thaw by the time it gets there, but it would still be cold and DS would use it within a day.
Any thoughts, tips, suggestions?
There's also the option of DH giving him some formula but we should probably start introducing it now just in case he has any issues with it I guess....
Re: Tell me about shipping breastmilk
After my big week-long busy trip, I am glad I just pumped/dumped. Trying to find time to locate a Fed-Ex, packing the milk and paying for the shipping (which I am pretty sure is really steep) seemed like way too much of a hassle on top of stressful business events.
I would introduce forumla now. Maybe just once a day to get him used to the taste and to see if there is any reaction. If you will have enough milk stored for a day and a half, DH could do formula every other feeding/bottle, and that way DS doesn't have straight formula for a full day and a half.
Thanks for the advice! If you don't mind me asking, how did everything go when you came back?
FWIW, I think I could get work to pay for the shipping...
DS latched back on like I had never left, and that was after a week! My supply had dipped some, but between solids and me, I haven't had to supplement all that much. Maybe one full bottle a day of formula. I'm just glad he showed interest in nursing when I returned!
If work would pay, and if there was an easily accessible FedEx/UPS that wouldn't throw a wrench in your days, then I would give it a shot.