May 2011 Moms

Yes, another BLW post


I thought it might be best to give DS foods in the middle of the day, but have ended up giving them around 6 pm instead. He gets so messy, I go straight from there to the bath (which is usually part of bedtime routine). He's not really ingesting anything yet, so I guess it doesn't make a difference at this point.

What is everyone else doing?

I've read here that a lot of people start with one meal a day, in the middle of the day. How does this work with bath time? Do you give a bath right after and eliminate it from the bed time routine - if that was a part of the bed time routine?

Re: Yes, another BLW post

  • Three words for you:

    full body bib

    I've also been leaning toward less messy foods because he's not eating it anyway. Pasta without sauce, one sweet potato fry, one piece of meat. 

    I'm trying to give him something to "eat" whenever I sit down at the table to eat. 

    Amazon has a few different long-sleeved bibs. I got this one - a bit stiff, but a great deal.

  • Ha! Thanks. 

    Yes, the first experience was with avocado - and oh, man, was it an experience. He pulverized half an avocado with his palms within 5 minutes. I knew it would be messy, but I kept his clothes on, thinking "what the heck".

    Ha. Ha. Ha.

    Tonight I had him in just a diaper. Much easier to clean baby's skin! 

    ETA: We're in Houston, and it was 78 degrees today. On a colder day, I realize this technique won't work! 

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  • I plan on BLW just haven't started yet, but I plan on giving him "something eat" during lunch. Only because dinner time around here is hectic and I want to be able to sit with him to keep an eye on him. Token is right about the full body bib. A friend of mine gave me a good idea, turning all tees into bibs you can cut them to fit him leaving the sleeves long enough to only show the hands and it covers everything, she does it with her DD and no food on her at all!
  • I admit I have not fed my baby any foods yet, but I wanted to pass along what I had read. I hope to start BLW and will actually start with solids in the mornings. That way if LO has a reaction, you have the whole day to watch for it, rather than just putting them to bed for 12 hours.

    This makes sense to me and is the running plan, but I haven't had a baby covered in avocado yet, either Smile I would think to strip to a diaper and basically sponge bath with a wet wash cloth after her breakfast attempt as needed.

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