Hawaii Babies

??? Weekly Check-in ??? 11/7/2011

4forluck ? Elaine ? 09.20.07

MauidAims ? Kai ? 02.16.08
MrsNFB ? Sean Patrick ? 10.11.08

kauai_luv ? Waianuhea ? 04.04.09
kshiz ? Ella ? 04.04.09
bigislandhi ? Zoi ? 06.29.09
Mrs.Ziz ? Bella Kailani ? 07.24.09
Hawaiian Honey ? Matty ? 08.07.09
MrsWinter ? Ashton ? 08.14.09
myday1708 ? Alexa ? 09.09.09
missaloha ? Ellery ? 09.13.09
MrsNJSwimmer ? Billy ? 11.09.09
Trieulam - Kiptyn ? 11.12.09 & precious angel Kylie ? 11.12.09-1.28.10
MrsPresley ? Miss A ? 11.12.09
HulaLove ? Elyse ? 12.14.09

Married2MrWright ? Libby ? 01.25.10
Sanae78 ? Kaya ? 02.11.10
SirenSong ? Samara ? 02.16.10
? J ? 02.10
? Ryan ? 03.9.10
LisaKeiko ? Johnny ? 04.19.10
lorem ipsum ? Will & Dash ? 04.21.10
liubride510 ? Kailani ? 05.08.10
inamra ? B ? 05.10
rwright5 ? Mason Lee ? 06.03.10
supercoolnat ? Zachary ? 06.07.10
parrotgirl ? Mason ? 06.15.10
 ? Henry ? 07.22.10
MrsIH ? J ? 08.28.10 
Vanilla15 ? Adair ? 09.10  
ECUPirate04 ? Lauren ? 09.29.10 
mrsnickandnora ? Blake ? 10.07.10(?)
 ? Eleiana ? 11.03.10
SanHawaii08 ? E ? 11.09.10
annasan_k ? Zo? ? 12.17.10Oceangirl22 ? Kenley ? 01.05.11
johndrea - Everleigh - 01.12.11
kinibruin ? D ? 02.11
MrsZiz ? G ? 03.11
MauiBride2008 ? R ? 04.02.11
HappyGoLuckyGal - M - 04.13.2011
stargirl76  - A - 07.25.2011
Hawaiian Honey - Baby - 08.11.2011
MiniWheats - C - 08.13.2011
mrswinter - C - 09.29.2011
myday1708 - H - 09.30.2011

October 2011
10.10.11 - Emily-Victoria - maryNamory

November 2011
11.23.11 - Baby - HulaLove

January 2012
01.16.12 - Boy - Married2MrWright

February 2012
02.18.12 - Baby - adpilove
Post updated due dates or gender reports here. 
(1) What week are you in/how old is your LO?(2) How are you feeling? Any new milestones or news in the last week to share?(3) Next appointment date?  Any big ultrasounds/other exciting stuff coming up?(4) What's been your greatest BR challenge this past week?(5) What do you love most, hate most/miss most, miss least about being PG?
(6) When do you plan to TTC again?
(7) How has being PG/having a baby affected your relationships with family members other than DH?
(8) What other questions would you like to see at upcoming check-ins?

TTCers:  Which cycle are you on?  Where in the cycle are you?  What, if anything, are you doing/trying for TTC success?
**PIP a picture if you like!!**
Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Re: ??? Weekly Check-in ??? 11/7/2011

  • (1) What week are you in/how old is your LO? 18.5 months

    (2) How are you feeling? Any new milestones or news in the last week to share? I've just gotten over a nasty cold, so I'm still a bit run-down. News...Dash is lapsing a bit into his biting again, but again responding well to timeouts (we had a blissful 5 days with no biting before he tried it again). Will has started saying "datdoo!" for thank you lol. He says it when you hand something to him, or when he hands something to you.

    (3) Next appointment date?  Any big ultrasounds/other exciting stuff coming up? 18 month checkup on Friday.

    (4) What's been your greatest BR challenge this past week? Illness. First them, then me. It's been a rough 1.5 weeks!

    (5) What do you love most, hate most/miss most, miss least about being PG?
    Love most...feeling them kick. It's just the most amazing thing!
    Hate most...I had a pretty miserable pregnancy, so this list is pretty long! The GD sucked since I was on insulin, the PUPPS was insanely bad, and I was in excruciating, chronic pain after about 22 weeks until I gave birth.
    Miss most...not having as much to worry about as I do now. I mean, you DO worry, but it's in a different way. Now I have so many more things to worry about...
    Miss least...I'm gonna go with the donkey crotch. The pressure on my cervix was so intense that it felt like I'd been kicked in the crotch by a donkey, 24/7. Agonizing.

    (6) When do you plan to TTC again? Never. Stick out tongue

    (7) How has being PG/having a baby affected your relationships with family members other than DH? I'd say they mostly stayed the same. My relationship with MIL improved, after I set a few boundaries (especially regarding visiting without calling ahead). The boys have given us some more common ground, and that's really helped!

    * the artist formerly known as redshoegirl *
    life in oz

  • (1) What week are you in/how old is your LO?  He's 2 yr old tomorrow!

    (2) How are you feeling? Any new milestones or news in the last week to share? I felt better after I went to the funeral over the weekend, but this week has just been really stressful for me career-wise, money-wise, planning-wise and sleeping-wise with the DST change.     - milestones:  well, he not only mimics what we say, but now mimics what we do!  We bought him this toddler hockey stick (completely padded) and sometimes we use it to reach toys that have gone too far under the couch to get with our hands.  Last night, he realized he couldn't get it, so he walked over to the stick, brought it to the couch, used it to get the car he couldn't reach, played a little and then said "all done" as he put the stick back!  MH and I were staring and laughing! it was priceless.

    (3) Next appointment date?  Any big ultrasounds/other exciting stuff coming up? 2 yr checkup this week - I plan to ask about vitamins - are kids supposed to take vitamins at this age?

    (4) What's been your greatest BR challenge this past week? sleep and diaper change struggles still

    (5) What do you love most, hate most/miss most, miss least about being PG?

    love most: definitely feeling him move around inside me - it was the coolest thing ever - there's nothing else like it in the world.

    hate most: the constant stress about what you could be doing to this little life inside you by accident - if you fall, if you eat something wrong, if his health is goign to be compromised b/c I took some OTC med and couldn't remember if it was on the list, the heartburn near the end.

    miss most: ha - having people go out of their way to help me - it was so nice!  oh and eating whatever i wanted!

    miss least: my feet,back, etc hurting

    (6) When do you plan to TTC again? we're done. 

    (7) How has being PG/having a baby affected your relationships with family members other than DH? it's definitely brought me and my mom closer, but it seems to hurt MH alot that his parents don't pay much attention to DS

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  • (1) What week are you in/how old is your LO? 15.5 months

    (2) How are you feeling? Any new milestones or news in the last week to share? We are officially 100% paci-free!!!  He's only been using it for sleeping for quite a while now.  Then I just plain didn't give it to him on Friday night.  I thought he'd fuss, but nope....he was fine!  He did fuss a little bit at naptime on Saturday and Sunday, but he's been great since then!  I'm so happy it was way easier than I thought it'd be.

    (3) Next appointment date?  Any big ultrasounds/other exciting stuff coming up? We just had a pedi appt. yesterday.  He'll still 92nd percentile for weight, and 96th for height.

    (4) What's been your greatest BR challenge this past week? I was sick last week on Thursday and Friday.  It was awful and when MH was at work I felt like I was ignoring Henry.  I hate feeling like that.  Luckily, he was suck a good boy and played independently a lot.

    (5) What do you love most, hate most/miss most, miss least about being PG?
    I loved showing off my belly!  I loved that I was SUPPOSED to have a belly, for once in my life.  :P

    I hated the laryngitis that I had all 3rd tri.  As a music teacher, this is torture.  I reeeallllly hope this doesn't happen next time. 

    (6) When do you plan to TTC again? Probably this coming spring/summer.

    (7) How has being PG/having a baby affected your relationships with family members other than DH? Pretty much the same, I guess.  Except that maybe I'm slightly less close to my sister.  But there are other factors at play there.  Not only am I more tied down with LO at home and can't hang out with her as much, but she got a divorce just before Henry was born.  Now she's living the single life in the city, and I'm in the 'burbs with my family.  I miss her and how we used to hang out every weekend, but it's okay.  The rest of my family lives far away, so not much has changed.

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • imageMrsNJSwimmer:

    miss most: ha - having people go out of their way to help me - it was so nice!

    LOL I do miss this! Having people bring me stuff all the time was nice. Stick out tongue

    * the artist formerly known as redshoegirl *
    life in oz

  • imagelorem ipsum:
    Will has started saying "datdoo!" for thank you lol. He says it when you hand something to him, or when he hands something to you.

    So jealous =P THIS is the one thing I can't get B to say! Unfortunately, I have a habit of nodding when I say "thank you" so he picked that up and when I tell him to say "thank you", he'll only nod but he won't open his mouth to even attempt to say it even though he's says many other phrases. I don't know how to get him to physically say it out loud even though I try to teach him to say it multiple times a day...he just resorts to nodding!

    Sept 2008 Wedding | May 2010 & Mar 2012 Babies
  • imageinamra:

    imagelorem ipsum:
    Will has started saying "datdoo!" for thank you lol. He says it when you hand something to him, or when he hands something to you.

    So jealous =P THIS is the one thing I can't get B to say! Unfortunately, I have a habit of nodding when I say "thank you" so he picked that up and when I tell him to say "thank you", he'll only nod but he won't open his mouth to even attempt to say it even though he's says many other phrases. I don't know how to get him to physically say it out loud even though I try to teach him to say it multiple times a day...he just resorts to nodding!

    I say it in a really singsong tone of voice, so I think that's what he's mimicking - it just sounds like a fun sound you make when you hand something over (or receive it). Stick out tongue Dash doesn't say it at all though, so clearly the fun noise approach doesn't work with all kids lol.

    * the artist formerly known as redshoegirl *
    life in oz

  • njswimmer - what did your pedi say about vitamins? i didn't even think to ask this but she didn't bring it up either.  only thing she told us to do diet wise was to continue whole milk for 6 more mos just b/c A is so tiny :)

    Leah - that's great to hear about the paci; i think the younger you wean them off it, the easier...when they get older they can fuss about it more and whine about it ;)

    inamra - have you considered teaching him to sign thank you? at least he could do that instead of nod :) that's cute though that he associates nodding with thank you LOL

  • (1) What week are you in/how old is your LO?

    she is 2 tomorrow (Sat)!

    (2) How are you feeling? Any new milestones or news in the last week to share?

    i'm feeling good but tired. keep staying up til 1am doing stuff online, catching up on my blog, etc and then i'm soooooo tired in the morning.

    not sure if we have had any milestones lately.  i haven't looked at what official ones are in a while.  she is talking up a storm now.  oh - i guess we've established that she knows how to make things plural by adding the letter "s" on the end.  she also knows present tense from past tense b/c she will say things like "mommy go to the store and buy more" when we are out of something but when i come back with it she says "mommy bought some more."  she also uses "here" vs "there" appropriately

    (3) Next appointment date?  Any big ultrasounds/other exciting stuff coming up?

    she just went to the pedi today.... 22 lbs 4 oz (15th %) and 34" tall (50th %) no shots today since we were all caught up (yay!!) and next appt won't be until she is 3!

    (4) What's been your greatest BR challenge this past week?

    same thing as always - trying to prevent tantrums. keeping her well rested and well fed and anticipating frustrations... i can see her starting to get mad a lot now and before she can start yelling i try to verbalize her frustration and ask her things like "oh! you don't want mommy to ______?" and then she'll either say yes or no and i basically have to guess until i figure it out and if I don't guess correctly fast enough she melts down :P

    (5) What do you love most, hate most/miss most, miss least about being PG?

    love most - agree that feeling the baby kick/move inside was the best!

    hate most - being uncomfortable/unable to sleep

    miss most - again, the kicks; also being able to eat a lot ;)

    miss least - having to pee all the time towards the end

    (6) When do you plan to TTC again?

    we'll start in December :)

    (7) How has being PG/having a baby affected your relationships with family members other than DH?

    i definitely talk to my parents more now, mostly via video chat b/c they are always wanting to see/talk to her.  it hasn't really changed things much with the ILs except we maybe see them one extra time per year when they try to visit  

  • imagemrspresley:

    njswimmer - what did your pedi say about vitamins? i didn't even think to ask this but she didn't bring it up either.  only thing she told us to do diet wise was to continue whole milk for 6 more mos just b/c A is so tiny :) 

    She said she'd call back with the results of the bloodwork (which I didn't expect - glad I made MH come with me!) to see how his iron and other levels are doing.  I was asking b/c he sees me take the vitamins, and I take the gummy ones that look like his fruit snacks and he wants them.  But they are kids' vitamins too - I take 2 b/c that's the adult dosage on the bottle!  But it said kids 2+ take 1/day - so that's why I decided to ask at the 2 yr old appt. 

  • Hi, I'm Sarah. I live on the North Shore of Oahu
    (1) What week are you in/how old is your LO?7 weeks
    (2) How are you feeling? Any new milestones or news in the last week to share?Bad back pain, some nausea but no throwing up. Yay! Tired and emotional sometimes.
    (3) Next appointment date?  Any big ultrasounds/other exciting stuff coming up?Every week. Had a surgery to remove a uterine fibroid 2 months before conceiving, so doc has us coming in every week! Just had our first ultrasound and saw a heart beat. AMAZING!
    (4) What's been your greatest BR challenge this past week?Not sure what BR means... but my biggest challenge is an aggravated disc issue in my back causing constant pain and no sleep. Otherwise I think I'd be enjoying pregnancy a  lot more!
    (5) What do you love most, hate most/miss most, miss least about being PG?Love being Pregnant ! Took a long time to conceive! Hate being in pain.
    (6) When do you plan to TTC again? Not sure, maybe a year after the baby is born
    (7) How has being PG/having a baby affected your relationships with family members other than DH?Friends and family are happy for me, but one who is still TTC has created some distance. Step daughter goes back and forth between excited and acting out in a fiesty way towards me. I think she's scared about not being the only child.
    (8) What other questions would you like to see at upcoming check-ins?Nutrition, dealing with morning sickness and back pain

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