Baby Names

BNB November Siggy Challenge!

Pumpkins are in the oven for pumpkin pie, the chill has set in and American Thanksgiving is on its way. The November challenge is:


A Biblical or Virtue name you love


Please PIP in this post so we can all admire! To add an image to your siggy, use this code:

<img src="TINY PIC CODE HERE" width=250>

Adjust width, as desired.

To add text or links to your siggy, refer to this thread:

Past Challenges: October, SeptemberJuly, June, May, AprilMarchFebruary, January, December, November and October

Married! | July 15, 2005 | It's a Girl! | January 31, 2009 | It's a Girl! | July 21, 2011
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Re: BNB November Siggy Challenge!

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