Cloth Diapering

I think I may be a little slow..

Angel wing, jelly roll, inserts, soakers = HUH? I had my last baby 9 years ago and used disposables. This time around I would like to try cloth diapering which seems to have jumped in technology since then. I'm kind of at a loss on where to start! Is there a CDing for dummies website or something that someone can recommend for someone who is new to the entire idea? Any recommended brands?

Re: I think I may be a little slow..

  • go to youtube and search cloth diapering 101. she has 7 videos on cloth diapering that awesome! she explaines it very well 
  • There's an FAQ at the top of the board. Start there. You can come back here with any specific questions.

    There is no one universal recommended brand, as they may work/not work depending on your LO. There are CD trials that may be right up your alley.


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  • It can feel overwhelming at first. I checked out "Changing Diapers" at my local library, a new book on modern cloth diapering that breaks down all the major types, brands, fits, washing questions, everything, in an easy to read manner.  
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