My baby will get the first shot next week. I am a bit concerned about the side effects. I have not found much info on the web, and I feel a bit clueless about it... I know everybody says it is great to get the RSV shots, but I worry they might not be totally safe for everybody.
Re: Synagis side effects?
I am very torn on what to do...part of me knows that the shot could benefit the baby and everyone swears by it. But, on the other hand I feel like it may later have it's side effects that are unknown to us now. I too have had trouble finding much about it on the web...but I did see a page where a number of babies had it and had problems with it in Belgium. Most of these problems were over dosage but some were fatal. I actually discussed it with my pediatrician yesterday and she said if I did not have other children in the house or my child would not go to daycare than she did not see a big deal in not having the shots.
still on the fence.
I know children who have contracted RSV who don't go to daycare or leave the house much. My thought is that RSV can be deadly for a preemie and there aren't enough well known risks to make it not worth it.
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There are no documented serious side effects to Synagis and, like pp noted, the dosage is administered based on weight. If your child is a preemie and was approved for Synagis, you'd be insane not to get the shots, IMO. And we're doing a delayed vax schedule. Synagis is just plain not like something like MMR. It's a shot that lasts for about one month that dramatically reduces the odds of your preemie contracting a potentially fatal and extremely prevelent disease.
FWIW, my 35 week twins did not go to daycare and we didn't go many places at all and one still landed in the hospital for 4 days with a very serious case of RSV at 10 months old. You can bet that I am going to bat for getting my 32 week twins the injections again this year.
SYNAGIS problem was reported by a Physician from UNITED KINGDOM on Nov 13, 2007. Male patient, weighting 11.68 lb, was diagnosed with spinal muscular atrophy congenital and was treated with SYNAGIS. SYNAGIS dosage: 75 MG, INTRAMUSCULAR. During the same period patient was treated with LACTULOSE, HYOSCINE PATCSynagis Side Effects Report #5483575-3
SYNAGIS problem was reported by a Physician from UNITED STATES on Oct 01, 2007. Female patient, weighting 12.00 lb, was treated with SYNAGIS. After drug was administered, patient experienced the following problems/side effects: apnoea, aspiration, bronchial secretion retention, pulse absent, respiratory arrest. SYNAGIS dosage: unknown. Patient died on 03/31/2007.
H. Patient died on 10/05/2007Synagis Side Effects Report #5492724-2
SYNAGIS problem was reported by a Physician from BELGIUM on Oct 09, 2007. Female patient was diagnosed with antiviral prophylaxis and was treated with SYNAGIS. After drug was administered, patient experienced the following problems/side effects: respiratory disorder. SYNAGIS dosage: 15 MG/KG. Patient was hospitalized. Patient died on 02/09/2007.
The data you cite above is related to allergic reactions to Synagis, not side effects. Side effects are like injection site swelling, slight fever, etc. Allergic reactions are respiratory arrest and whatever respiratory disorder means (that is too vague).
Allergic reactions is when your body has a reaction against something and it affects your breathing or airways. You can't typically predict an allergic reaction on the first shot. However, your doctor's office will have precautions for an allergic reaction, like epinephrine injections. In fact, if you have an allergic reaction to something, a doctor's office is the best place to be since they have the necessary supplies. If you are nervous about this, you should talk to your doctor ahead of the injection.
The bottom line is that the odds of getting RSV are far greater than the odds of having a serious clinical event with Synagis. You are far more likely to end up in the hospital with RSV than to die from Synagis.