
What did you wear?

I'm not sure why this is such a mystery to me all of a sudden because this is my third c section but what are you wearing now and what did you wear in the days following? I need to go shopping and I'd like y'alls input before I go :) Thanks in advance!
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Re: What did you wear?

  • I lived in yoga pants and nursing tanks after my c-section since I spent most of my time after at home with my DD. Since I am early in my pregnancy I am wearing just my normal clothes.
  • imagepinkmoonlight:
    I lived in yoga pants and nursing tanks after my c-section since I spent most of my time after at home with my DD. Since I am early in my pregnancy I am wearing just my normal clothes.

    Pretty much this. No jeans for a couple of months. I also wore a lot of my maternity things for a while.  

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  • Yoga pants were my best friend. Also while I was home I wore sundresses left over from summer. I was freaked out about anything touching my incision. :) Took a while for that feeling to go away!
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  • I wore granny panties (above the incision) and maxi dresses almost exclusively for the first days and months. Now, 6 months PP, I'm comfortably wearing jeans again and underwear that touches the scar.
    Cloth-diapering, co-sleeping, breast-feeding, C-section Mama Photobucket
  • I wore maternity jeans home from the hospital and pretty much for the first two weeks.  If I had jeans on, it made me feel slightly less disgusted with myself.  
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  • Both of my c-sections were in the winter, so no sundresses here!  I wore maternity yoga type pants for the first few days then I was able to graduate to maternity jeans, as long as the panel seam stayed high enough above my scar.  
    The road to success is always under construction.

    Mom to 2 sweet boys!
  • Pajama pants, yoga pants, loose shirts. Anything that didn't put pressure on the incision.
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  • I wore loose sweat pants for the first few days but when I did go out I actually wore my maternity jeans for the first few weeks....they didn't rub and I had the belly band to go over them since they were loose.
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  • For my first section, I wore a night gown that snapped down the front. It's what I had planned on wearing for a vaginal birth.  For my 2nd section, I wore yoga pant, nursing tank and a hoodie.
  • my biggest thing was finding underwear that didn't rub against my incision.  sadly, i had to revert to good ole' granny panties.  hey, they worked great though!  :)
    several failed cycles on clomid and lose dose injectibles, IUI #1 2009 - BFN IUI #2 2009 - BFP - boy/girl twins born at 31 weeks. IVF #1= BFN; FET #1 = c/p; FET #2 = c/p, FET #3 = negative, FET #4 = positive, baby stillborn at 24 weeks.  
  • Ginourmous above the belly button granny panties and elastic waist-ed pants.  I'm wearing normal clothes and undies now.
  • I wore yoga pants and a t-shirt with a nursing tank under it
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  • Lots of sweat pants and my maternity pants for about a month or two post.
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  • dresses, gowns, and maternity yoga pants.
    18 Months!! imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I wore maternity tanks, yoga pants, maternity jeans, drawstring shorts, and loose tshirts.
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  • Because of all the fluid retention, for a few weeks I was wearing sweats and yoga pants and granny panties that would have been too big on me even at 37 weeks pregnant with twins. 
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