The library is hosting another preschool fair on Wednesday. We're looking for a place for DS1 for next year. Just a short 2-3 hour a day program, 2-3 days a week. What questions should I ask?
I'm stumped because at this age I feel like they are all going to be very similar. He currently goes twice a week 1 hour each day to a program the students run at the high school.
Proverbs 12:10 "A righteous man cares for the needs of his animals
ChipMonkey 3/19/08 *** Turtle 1/26/10 *** CarBear 10/06/11
Re: Questions for Preschool
Honestly, there are many very different philosophies so you will find big differences. Are they largely play based or more structured? How do they handle academic milestones (avoid ones that will call your kid advanced or behind based on whether they can write their name, etc)? How do they handle bathroom issues (some kids throw off potty training when they get to school; some schools have rigid 3 strikes and you're out policies)? What is their classroom management/behavior system (time outs? redirection?)? Naps? Snacks? Lunches? Outside play time? Field trips? How do they communicate with parents (weekly newsletter? daily communication sheet?)? Teacher to student ratio? Are they firm on the ration? What do they do when the teacher is out sick? Extras: foreign language, music, art, sign language, movement, etc.
If I think of more I will post again. DD has been in 2 preschools and a daycare so I know what I wish I would have asked ahead of time.
That's what I'm afraid of. I know I'll come up with a ton of questions after the fact. This is a great start though.