
Cramps during Second Trimester?!

Hey ladies.  I am now 19 weeks pregnant with twins.  A few weeks back, I was worried when I started having what felt like light menstral cramps.  Naturally I called my doctor, and she told me that with twins I would be more uncomfortable with twins but that it was normal.  She also told me that if bleeding starts to come in.  Well, they stopped and everything was fine on our next appointment.  This past Wednesday evening (18w/3d pregnant) I was having the same pain, but no bleeding again so I chalked it up to my uterus growing .  2 days later (Friday evening), I have more menstral-like cramps that lasted about 2 hours.  Once I laid down and put my feet up, they started getting lighter and finally subsided.  Have any of you felt this with twins?  None of my friends have had twins before, so it is hard to ask them what it was like for them during this growth because they only had one little bundle in there growing.
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Re: Cramps during Second Trimester?!

  • I have had them off and on since about 14 weeks...they peaked (so far) between 18-24 weeks).  I tend to think that's when things really start taking off in a different direction than felt like I started growing very quickly then, so my doctor chalked it up to that.  They would come in spurts, too... I would have them for 3 or for days straight and then stop.

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  • I had sharp pains for about two hours last night.  Worse when i moved, but definitely achey just staying still. I called the OB and he wasn't concerned as long as they weren't accompanied by bleeding, nausea, loose stools, or temperature.  His take was that it was just intense RLP pain.

    ETA: He said to take 2 extra strength tylenol and that a heating pad on low was safe at this point.

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  • I had that too during the 2nd trimester, it was very uncomfortable 


  • I'm a few days behind you pregnancy wise but had an issue last weekend. i had low grade menstral- like cramps, lower back ache, and diarrhea for three days. I ended up going in for an U/S to measure my cervix which was long and closed thankfully. It ended up being a stomach bug with gas pain. I was told I shouldn't worry unless there was bleeding but they did the U/S to assure me thankfully! So yes this can happen with gas, growing etc.
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  • Yes! welcome to the club... I've had them since about 14 weeks, and they've only gotten worse and more frequent for me :(

    I go pee, lay down, and drink water, and they go away... it's just a little annoying b/c I have to limit my activity more or less, to avoid having them!

    My OB explained it like this... at 22 wks I measured at 31 weeks, and she said your body does not differentiate b/w 1 or 2 babies, it just thinks that you are (in my case) 31 weeks along... so naturally you are going to start having more cramps and contractions.


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