
Any other December FET's???

I was looking to see what everyone else's December FET's schedules look like  (especially those of you that have PCOS).  I have my next pre-op next Thursday and my meds have been ordered :)  I am only on estradial (?sp) and PIO shots (YIKES!!!) and this time around my RE suggests transferring both frozen could I leave 1 behind???  But honestly the thought of twins is scary....BUT definitely not as scary as another BFN!

So what are other ladies doing????

TTC #1 since 3/10:
DX: Me-PCOS, retroverted/ tilted ute - DH- MFI, DH-4 mo of Clomid therapy= no improvement. Weekly HCG injections.
Me-34, DH-33
HSG- unsuccessful, SHSG (dialated)-no blockages
7/11-Clomid (unmonitored) BFN,
#1 Fresh IVF 9/11: w/ ICSI & AH (only option): (1 transfered, 8BF) = BFN!!
#2 FET: 2 transferred (2 6BF) 12/11 = BFFN!!
Surprise + HPT on break! 2/12 Beta 1: 6 Beta 2: <5 = c/p ( RE had given me provera... So pretty sure this ruined everything)<BR> #3 Fresh IVF 3/12: w/ ICSI & AH (2 transfered 8BF & 7BF, 1 to freeze) = BFMFN!
New RE 5/12
6/14 Hysteroscopy
#4 Fresh IVF 8/12: 5dt of 2 5AB blasts = BFN!... what else is new?!?
New RE insists its a transfer issue, immunology checked & good
#5 IVF FET 1/13 under anesthesia : Two 5 day blasts transferred
+ HPT!! Beta1: 2315 Beta2: 6442 Beta3: 31,061
First u/s 1/30/13: Shows 1 healthy heartbeat!!

Was he was right? I wasted 4 IVF's and the doctors were not getting the catheter in?!?
~~ Bump Bestie/ IRL Lynn0926 ~~
BabyFruit Ticker

Re: Any other December FET's???

  • I have to talk to my RE on Monday to know what our plan is going forward.  The holidays mix things up a bit...

    I am curious about your schedule - you're already doing PIO and estrogen patches for December FET?  How early in Dec is your xfer?

  • I will have to start Provera around November 17th for a Thanksgiving AF...if not, god only knows if it would ever come!  Then, all I know is I will be taking estradial 1 pill 3x/day then 2 pills 3x/day then 3 pills 3x/day, I guess untill FET ( I will know for sure Thursday) then my RE wants me on PIO at least until Beta, then I think he is switching me to Crinone... He briefly discussed it at the WTF, and when my pharmacy called to sched delivery all they had was estradial and Progesterone on the order.
    TTC #1 since 3/10:
    DX: Me-PCOS, retroverted/ tilted ute - DH- MFI, DH-4 mo of Clomid therapy= no improvement. Weekly HCG injections.
    Me-34, DH-33
    HSG- unsuccessful, SHSG (dialated)-no blockages
    7/11-Clomid (unmonitored) BFN,
    #1 Fresh IVF 9/11: w/ ICSI & AH (only option): (1 transfered, 8BF) = BFN!!
    #2 FET: 2 transferred (2 6BF) 12/11 = BFFN!!
    Surprise + HPT on break! 2/12 Beta 1: 6 Beta 2: <5 = c/p ( RE had given me provera... So pretty sure this ruined everything)<BR> #3 Fresh IVF 3/12: w/ ICSI & AH (2 transfered 8BF & 7BF, 1 to freeze) = BFMFN!
    New RE 5/12
    6/14 Hysteroscopy
    #4 Fresh IVF 8/12: 5dt of 2 5AB blasts = BFN!... what else is new?!?
    New RE insists its a transfer issue, immunology checked & good
    #5 IVF FET 1/13 under anesthesia : Two 5 day blasts transferred
    + HPT!! Beta1: 2315 Beta2: 6442 Beta3: 31,061
    First u/s 1/30/13: Shows 1 healthy heartbeat!!

    Was he was right? I wasted 4 IVF's and the doctors were not getting the catheter in?!?
    ~~ Bump Bestie/ IRL Lynn0926 ~~
    BabyFruit Ticker
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  • Hi! I'm looking at a December FET. I'm getting a singleton. I would prefer to transfer 2 but I am in a clinical trial and I was randomized into the singleton group. The good news is that complete CCS/PGD comes with the singleton control group so all my embies were tested and out of 7, 6 came back normal. I started Lupron this past Thursday and will be adding in Estradiol and then Endometrin for 5 days at the end.
    Me: 31, Dx: Hypothalamic Amenorrhea, Elevated AMH of 18 DH: 34 & borderline morphology issues IUI#1/cycle with Menopur & Novarel = Mild OHSS & BFN IUI#2/cycle with Menopur & Novarel = BFN IVF#1 converted to FET due to moderate OHSS 21 eggs retrieved, 12 mature, 11 fertilized 7 frosties, 6 genetically normal December 5th FET with one perfect blast = BFN FET #2 = early February
  •  I saw others were taking lupron for their FET's too, and I was wondering why I was not.  I'm gathering some good questions for my RE for Thursday.  I think mine will be around the 13th or 14th, praying for BFP's for all of us!!
    TTC #1 since 3/10:
    DX: Me-PCOS, retroverted/ tilted ute - DH- MFI, DH-4 mo of Clomid therapy= no improvement. Weekly HCG injections.
    Me-34, DH-33
    HSG- unsuccessful, SHSG (dialated)-no blockages
    7/11-Clomid (unmonitored) BFN,
    #1 Fresh IVF 9/11: w/ ICSI & AH (only option): (1 transfered, 8BF) = BFN!!
    #2 FET: 2 transferred (2 6BF) 12/11 = BFFN!!
    Surprise + HPT on break! 2/12 Beta 1: 6 Beta 2: <5 = c/p ( RE had given me provera... So pretty sure this ruined everything)<BR> #3 Fresh IVF 3/12: w/ ICSI & AH (2 transfered 8BF & 7BF, 1 to freeze) = BFMFN!
    New RE 5/12
    6/14 Hysteroscopy
    #4 Fresh IVF 8/12: 5dt of 2 5AB blasts = BFN!... what else is new?!?
    New RE insists its a transfer issue, immunology checked & good
    #5 IVF FET 1/13 under anesthesia : Two 5 day blasts transferred
    + HPT!! Beta1: 2315 Beta2: 6442 Beta3: 31,061
    First u/s 1/30/13: Shows 1 healthy heartbeat!!

    Was he was right? I wasted 4 IVF's and the doctors were not getting the catheter in?!?
    ~~ Bump Bestie/ IRL Lynn0926 ~~
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I'm planning on a December FET.  AF should be here in a week or so, and then I'll start estrogen pills.  I'll start PIO five days before transfer, which will likely be the first week of December.  No Lupron for me either.  And I just have one frostie to transfer.  If I had more, I'd definitely transfer 2.  
    TTC since November 2009
    Mild MFI, irregular cycles, HSG only showed left tube open
    IUIs #1-3: Femara -- BFN
    IUI #4: Follistim + HCG boosters -- BFN
    Sept./Oct. 2011 IVF#1: Long Lupron, 3dt of 2 -- BFN + 1 frostie
    Surprise BFP 11.21.2011: missed m/c at 9w2d, D&C 12.27.2011
    The Blog
  • I just got back from the RE and scheduled our FET.  we are transferring 2 embies and I start BCP today.  I have spotting issues and if by Nov. 22 i am not spotting we are skipping the lupron.  If i am, I start the lupron and estimated transfer will be Dec 23rd.  I have no idea when i start estrace or PIO yet.  I am also going to take doxiclyne (sp?) and Pregnisone similar to my IVF.  Anyone else?
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