Cloth Diapering

Too big for BGs?

DS is 20 mo.& 35 lbs.  We've used BG 3.0s & 4.0's w/o a hitch until the past few weeks.  Now, he's soaking through his clothes at the waistband almost every night, even with doubling the inserts.  He has occ. leaks during the day as well.  It doesn't seem as if the top of the diaper is high enough for his rise.

I can't keep up with the laundry b/c all his long pants are in the dirty clothes every 2-3 days.

DH says the diapers just aren't big enough anymore & thinks we should switch to disposable pull-ups.  Can anyone suggest an alternative or some way to make our BGs last until potty training?


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Re: Too big for BGs?

  • My son outgrew bumgenius at 27 pounds, at the rise and the waist.

    You can get waist extenders for more give in the waist, but there is no real way to increase the rise. 

    An alternative would be a larger diaper.
    Sweetpea, Happy Heiny and most Kawaii run larger than BumGenius.
    (I have a video if you want to see a comparison:

    You could always sell your BGs to have money for a new stash.
    Switching to disposables is definitely the simplest choice, but I really wouldn't do that at 20 months. Since he's been used to cloth and feeling wetness, disposables at this age is only going to hinder any potty training progress imo. 

    Liam 07/08/10 -- TTC #2 -- my cloth vlog -- & daily cloth diaper deals Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • What about getting 4-5 fitteds for night and using them w/a cover and your current doublers?
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  • Happy Heinys are big!  We still have a rise snap to go and plenty of room, whereas almost every other diaper we're almost completely unsnapped (I can snap down, but sometimes it pulls strange ways.) DD is 26 pounds and 31.5 inches.


    You could also look at large FB Perfect Size. 


  • Is he only leaking at night?  Maybe you could try adding some hemp or bamboo inserts for added absorbancy.  Thirsties makes a great hemp prefold that is super absorbant and not too expensive (around $7 I think).  What do you use now in his diapers at night and is it totally soaked in the morning?
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