DD had a stomach bug last Monday. Fortunately it was only 24 hours or so. But vomiting children are no fun even if it's just for a day. Well, we made it through the week with no one else getting sick so I thought we were in the clear.
No such luck. As soon as DS said he wanted to take a nap this afternoon (he never naps anymore) I know something was up. He woke up vomiting all over his bed a little while later. Poor kid.
And we are going to have to cancel our plans for tomrrow (a playdate with one of his friends in the morning and the football game and dinner with his cousins in the afternoon) and he's going to be so disappointed. Sucks.
(Realizing this sounds like a bit of a pitty party, sorry)
Re: Just when you think, for once, you might catch a break...
Christmas 2011