
XP: Y-shaped Uterus?

Has anyone out there had experience with a y-shaped uterus?


TTC #1 since 12/2010 DH: MFI, cancer survivor Me: Resected septate uterus, lap treated mild endo, tubes open, ovulate on own, autoimmune disease 3 Failed IUI's (2/2012, 4/2012, 6/2012) 
IVF #1 August 2012. BFP! Beta #1 56.7 Beta #2 150 One baby, one heartbeat on 9/20/12! no h/b @7w6d. dandc @8w0d
FET #1 December 2012, BFN
FET #2 February 2013, no embies survived thaw
IVF #2, BFP #2, Loss #2 March 2013, Scar tissue discovered, RPL testing,
IVF #3, BFP #3, Loss #3 (twins) September 2013
Hostile ute, moving onto Gestational Carrier!

GC/FET #1 of 1 5AA blast and 1 compacted blast, February 2014, BFP #4 on 3/1/2014!
6w u/s 1 bean with h/b of 145 bpm, 8w u/s 187 bpm
EDD 11/7/14. Please, please, please stick little one!

Praying unceasingly for a miracle. ALL welcome!


Re: XP: Y-shaped Uterus?

  • I have not, but I work with a guy who's wife has one and they were able to have 3 healthy pregnancies.
    Married Sept 13, 2009
    TTC since Jan 2010
    Diagnosed w/ PCOS Oct 2010
    1500mg metformin
    SA 05/25/11 morphology @ 10%
    HSG 06/02/11, tubes were clear, uterine septum discovered
    06/30/11 Hysteroscopy, found a polyp blocking R fallopian tube
    07/20/11 Successful surgery to remove polyp and uterine septum!
    Sept/Oct cycle-Femara IUI turned into TI cycle= cancelled due to unresponsive follies
    09/28/11: dx w/ MTHFR (cc)
    10/22/11: IUI #1 w/ Femara + Menopur + trigger+ diluted hcg shots= BFN :-(
    03/25/12: IUI #2 w/ Femara + Menopur + trigger+progesterone= BFN
    Starting to pursue adoption
  • thanks for answering. i am pretty upset about this on top of having trouble even trying to get pregnant. 
    TTC #1 since 12/2010 DH: MFI, cancer survivor Me: Resected septate uterus, lap treated mild endo, tubes open, ovulate on own, autoimmune disease 3 Failed IUI's (2/2012, 4/2012, 6/2012) 
    IVF #1 August 2012. BFP! Beta #1 56.7 Beta #2 150 One baby, one heartbeat on 9/20/12! no h/b @7w6d. dandc @8w0d
    FET #1 December 2012, BFN
    FET #2 February 2013, no embies survived thaw
    IVF #2, BFP #2, Loss #2 March 2013, Scar tissue discovered, RPL testing,
    IVF #3, BFP #3, Loss #3 (twins) September 2013
    Hostile ute, moving onto Gestational Carrier!

    GC/FET #1 of 1 5AA blast and 1 compacted blast, February 2014, BFP #4 on 3/1/2014!
    6w u/s 1 bean with h/b of 145 bpm, 8w u/s 187 bpm
    EDD 11/7/14. Please, please, please stick little one!

    Praying unceasingly for a miracle. ALL welcome!


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  • I went in for a hysteroscopy to clean out my lining from chronic endometritis and after the procedure my RE told me i had a septum (my uterus was diamond shape).  During the procedure he removed the extra piece (i think that's what he did) and now it's back to a triangle shape.  He said i was born with my uterus this way.  I just can't believe how many obstacles it's taking to achieve pregnancy.  i feel like they keep finding something else wrong with me.   not sure if this is the same thing as a y-shaped uterus.  G/L to you!!!!
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