I hate to change anything in their routine but i would like to get rid of this bottle and make it a sippy.
Our routine right now is bath, put in jammies, put in highchairs reclined back with a blankie and their bottle. Halfway in they take a bottle break (all on their own) and i read them 3-4 books, sometimes less if they are tired but i always end with same book) rest of bottle, binky & bed
I'd like to eventually give them a bath, give them a sippy, have them sit in their anywhere chairs and watch some quiet tv (maybe), read a few books & go to bed.
When you switched up their routine did it mess up their sleep? Did you do it cold turkey or gradually change 1 thing at a time?
what is your routine if your twins are around 1? Thanks!
Re: getting rid of bed time bottle
I believe in cold turkey with sippy cups...Sort-of. We switched daytime bottles to sippy cups cold turkey. Are they happy about it? No. But we are sticking with it.
It has not messed up their sleep but we haven't changed the nighttime bottle yet for this exact reason...too scared.
Our routine is bath, jammies, run around the room naked for 10-15min. Lights turned off. Music turned on. Bottles (which will be changed to sippy cups in the next month...ugh) with us on the floor of their room. They kind of cuddle, kind of sit in our laps. Bed.
Good luck. I was just typing a reply to a sippy cup post below and saying how much I cannot stand sippy cup transition. It stinks.
We switched to bottles around 12 months cold turkey for everything except the bedtime bottle. (DH had a lot of travel coming up, and I was nervous like you, that it would disrupt bedtime and I didn't want to deal with that while he was OOT.) Last night, we decided to replace the bedtime bottle with a sippy. We did our normal bedtime routine and instead of a bottle, just fed them a sippy, and they didn't bat an eye. They drank far less from the sippy, but it didn't effect their sleep at all. In fact, they both slept until 6:30am today, which is late for them.
Our bedtime routine is PJs, sleep sacks, sippies, 3-4 books, and then into bed. Every other night, we do baths first.