
Another Spinal Question

My dr. hit a nerve administering mine, and it never worked.

But now my back hurts all the times.  THe other day Dh barely touched my back where it was administered and it has been hurting since them.  

I am going to see a spinal dr.  Anyone else have problems like this?

Re: Another Spinal Question

  • Sorry you're in pain.  My back was sore a bit after the first 2 spinals but honestly not as bad with the c/s one.  It felt like I was lying on a brick for a few weeks.  Hopefully the neurologist can help. 
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  • When I had my son 3 years ago....I had an epidural and a spinal...they stab me about 5 times for each...anyway..my back was in pain for 6 months after! 

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