It's so nice to move back into the 21st Century!! I can certainly understand why people used to die young. That was a ton of work. And now I have about 47 loads of warm clothing and blankets to wash. And I have about $500.00 worth of groceries to replace. Fun times I tell you.
I'll admit it was fun for a couple of days, but by day 4 I sat down and cried.
Re: 6 1/2 days with no power...
Glad you got it back.
We got it back Wed at 5:30. I think I could have handled at least another day or two without it. But by this point, I'd be going mad.
We are STILL doing laundry. I got 4 loads done the night it came back on. And have done 1-3 every day since then. And we still have about 3 loads left. It's never ending!
Cleo - we heat our house primarily with a woodstove anyway. So no change there.
My sister has an oil furnace and her house was 49 degrees the other night. There is a way to hook the furnace up to a generator, if you have one.
It's really been quite....eye opening the past week. So many people are not prepared for losing power for this long. Gas station lines were hours long (over 100+ cars waiting at any given time), businesses shut down for weeks, tree companies overwhelmed (that one I know first hand! LOL), etc.
We were showering and bathing at my cousins. And she had a freezer that I was able to fit all of the frozen meat I had in, thank god! I am on my 8th load of laundry today and have about 4 or 5 more to do. We lost all of our tropical fish, which dh is very upset about. That tank was his pride and joy!
I have already cleaned out the fridge and freezer and gone grocery shopping, so we are getting there.
I'm so jealous!!!! We still do NOT have power. Fortunately my inlaws do, so we've been able to stay there. But they have a tiny condo. Not exactly ideal for us and our pets plus them and their pets.
Power? THAT is mint.
I hated every minute of last week. Every cold, dark, minute.
Mum to Owen and Lucas