Cloth Diapering

F/U for new diaper rash

I asked earlier about a diaper rash that Hadley had developed in the last couple of days. It's not the typical rash, but rather than the typical all over red rash, it's more raised red bumps. Throughout the day it has increased until it's much more red around her butt (hate calling it her butt... but lol, guess that's what it is) and I hate so bad to keep letting it get worse. I do NOT want to take her to the dr unless it's absolutely necessary.

So, I put sposies on her for the rest of the night with the extra strength desitin... I don't know what it could be. Someone mentioned yeast... if it is that (praying it's not) what then? Would she need to go to the dr for sure to get rid of it? Or are there OTC things that would do the trick?  Thanks so much!

Re: F/U for new diaper rash

  • Strip your dipes to make sure it's not a detergent issue, although I would assume it would be all over the diaper area if it was.  Do you have (cd safe) diaper cream?  Slather her up, and if it doesn't seem to clear within a day, make an appt with your ped.  It could be yeast, it could be impetego, it could be a food allergy, or whatever.  It still amazes me the weird things kids' bodies do :)

  • We treated a yeast rash successfully with OTC anti-fungal cream, like monistat or canesten, applied first followed by OTC hydrocortisone, and then a diaper cream with lots of zinc. I just asked the pharmacist about treating a yeast rash an this is what they recommended.  If it is yeast you will see a change in a day or so, if not or if it worsens I would take your LO to the MD.
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