
Diabetic Husbands??

My husband is a type 1 diabetic since the age of 12. I was wondering if anyone else's husbands are diabetic and that has caused a strain of your plans to conceive? I keep getting mixed messages when it comes to knowing if his diabetes could play apart in whether we get pregnant or not. I have a couple that is close to me that I've watched for the last 5+ years struggle with getting pregnant and I've seen how hard that can be. 



Re: Diabetic Husbands??

  • Honestly, I have never heard of diabetes causing infertility.
    Ellen & Chris 5/6/06
    TTC Since 10/2007 with no luck and a 'go with the flow' attitude
    1/1010 FINALLY decided to have testing done, dx MFI
    7/2010 - DH starts Clomid to increase testosterone and hopefully sperm count
    10/2010 - Still low (but improved) sperm count.
    11/30/10 - IUI #1 and only = BFN
    February 2011 - IVF #1 w/ ICSI =
    Chemical PG (Beta 1: 10, Beta 2: 19, Beta 3: 17) :-(
    April 2011 - IVF #2 w/ ICSI = BFN :-(
    September 2011 - IVF #3 w/ ICSI = BFFN
    November 2011 - AMH level tested - .83 (normal for age range)
    February 2012 - IVF #4 w/ ICSI = (best response ever yet still) BFFN
    April 2012 - DNA testing - NORMAL, RE suggests cycling again with own eggs or using DE
    On Break indefinitely...not sure we can afford the emotional and financial roller coaster anymore.
  • my husband is type 2 diabetic - and yes that is the reason we are having TTC - we initially started with urology becuase he was having problems achieving an errection and also finishing - talk about TMI! - so we went to see if there was any medication etc he could use to help fix this - some helped a bit but after his first SA at the urologist we discovered he had what is called retrograde ejaculation - becuase of the problems diabetes (uncontrolled for so many years) has caused on his body it actually caused his sperm to be unusable from a normal erection (instead of coming out - they go back into his bladder because nerves have been damaged from diabetes etc.) - so we were advised to go through a fertility dr because IUI is our only option since they actually have to obtain his sperm through his urine after an orgasm - pretty crazy -  but at least there is a way to conceive just need a little extra help - so in a short answer to your question, yes diabets can play a roll in infertility - esp in the male!  Private message me if you  have any other questions bercause we are going through this as we speak :)
    TTC since May 2010
    ME: 29, DH: 29
    dx: MFI due to uncontrolled diabetes
    10/2011 baseline bw, us and HSG - ALL CLEAR!!, SA #s were looking good
    Nov 7 2011 Clomid monitored ultrasound - 2 follies on left side (one was 18-20mm the other was 22 mm) and 1 medium follie on right side
    Nov 9 2011 IUI #1 clomid + ovidrel trigger
    Nov 23 2011 BFP!!
    beta #1 11/23: 228, progesterone: 38, beta #2 11/25: 426, progesterone: over 40, beta #3 11/29: over 1100, progesterone: 30.4, beta #4 12/2: 1800, progesterone: 20.4 - starting progesterone suppositories, beta #5 12/6: 1600 :(, progesterone: 19, after a rollercoater of up & down betas we went ahead with the methotrexate shots and ultimately had a m/c 12/2011 :(

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