
FP seahorse

Does it play twinkle twinkle? And how long does the music stay on for?


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Re: FP seahorse

  • It does. :) I think it plays 7 songs and then shuts off. Plays for probably 5 minutes or so. Best guess.
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  • It plays for 5 min...and I'll be honest...I have no idea if it does.  If it does, I'm surprised because when my girls would hear that song on Baby Einstein, they would both burst into tears...every.single.time.  It was crazy.  We used to have to skip through it.

    But they LOVED their seahorses.

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  • imageamanda31H:

    It plays for 5 min...and I'll be honest...I have no idea if it does.  If it does, I'm surprised because when my girls would hear that song on Baby Einstein, they would both burst into tears...every.single.time.  It was crazy.  We used to have to skip through it.

    But they LOVED their seahorses.

    Your kidding! How crazy. My girls stop whatever they are doing, practically stop breathing to listen to twinkle twinkle..they LOVE it

    Spontaneous ID Twin Girls - born 38w 2d Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • I don't know how I would have gotten my girls to sleep in their cribs without those darn seahorses! I just wish they would play longer than 5 minutes--I know eventually they'll figure out how to push it to get it going again, but right now they just get sad when it turns off. Plus, what baby falls asleep within 5 minutes?! 15 or 20 would be perfect! And yes, it plays twinkle twinkle--but a short version IMO.
  • The glowworms play Twinkle. The seahorses don't. But the seahorse plays longer than the worm. :)
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  • it plays for 8 minutes. And I think one of the songs is twinkle twinkle.

    I freaking hate that thing. I have very terrible memories of rocking the ever loving life out of my colicky kid with that thing playing. Gah! 

  • I am not sure what songs it plays but like others said, it plays for about 8 minutes and then shuts off by itself.  My kids love these but they completely creep me out.  No matter how many times I have tried to turn them on simultaneously, it has not happened.  One of them will play just a second or two behind the other.  It sounds like a horror movie...I always look over my shoulder to see if Candyman or Children of The Corn are coming to get me.  And when they start to run out of batteries they are even scarier...Only to me though, not to my kids.  Embarrassed

    Dx with severe endometriosis. DS#1 conceived with Met and TI. TTC#2 for 2.5 yrs. Dx 2nd IF. 4 clomid cycles, 2 IUIs, Finally IVF#1 w/ICSI worked for us! twins born 35w3d. Unexpected total hysterectomy 6/11. Now on the HRT train.

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