Baby Names


DH and I really like this name for a boy. However, I am concerned about nicknames from other kids . . . like "pooper". So, am I being overly cautious and silly or do you agree? TIA!!
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Re: Cooper

  • I also had a short love affair with Cooper, however, I see now that it fits into the surname for FN category that will likely time stamp some of this generation.

    I don't think he'll have too much trouble from other kids, it also rhymes with trooper and super duper! :)


  • I don't really like the name, but I wouldn't worry too much about teasing. Kids will tease any name if they want to.
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  • I agree, pooper would come up, likely from even well meaning family members in a loving way. I guess it could come up from other kids, I am not really sure.

  • I know a few Coopers and I've never heard them called that. That being said, kids will be kids and your child will get made fun no matter what you name him at some point. I love the name Cooper, but it doesn't work with our ln.
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  • Not a fan of the name, and I as an adult must admit, the first thing that came to mind was pooper.  The second thing that came to mind was cheese.
  • It is a cute name, but unfortunately I know a lot of dogs names Cooper. I'm sorry. 
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  • This is a name that I think fits a child but not an adult.  I can't picture a grown man with the name Cooper.
  • I like the name.  I think that kids will make up nicknames no matter what name you choose, so I don't think that should influence your decision too much.
  • imageIvana.Stolichnaya:
    This is a name that I think fits a child but not an adult.  I can't picture a grown man with the name Cooper.
    I agree..............very babyish
  • kids can come up with an insult for any name so I dont think you should worry about it
  • imagemegs52881:
    It is a cute name, but unfortunately I know a lot of dogs names Cooper. I'm sorry. 

    Our dog is named Cooper

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