Infertility Veterans

~Late loss ladies~

I just wanted to tell you if you want more opinions about cerclage, etc.  The high risk board is also a good place to ask questions.  I know there are at least two other ladies here on the boards that have TACs and there are a ton of ladies on high risk who TVCs and can give you lots of details about those.

The board is a little slow (which is a good thing because it is not a board you like to have to be on) but usually after a day or two, responses trickle in.

Here is a link about TACs if you are interested in joining abbyloopers or just learning more:

There is also a link to The University Chicago info page on cerclage.  This is where I had my surgery performed.

Again, I don't think TACs are needed/right for everyone who has had a late loss.

TTC since 07/2009
Me: PCOS, Blood/Immune Issues DH: Low all 3
Jun.- Sep. 2010 IUI#1-#3 = BFN
Oct. 2010 = IVF #1 = B/G Twins (passed away Feb. 2011)
May 2011 = Myomectomy and trans-abdominal cerclage (TAC)
Sep. 2011 = Surprise BFP = C/P
Feb. 2012 = sFET #1 = BFN
Feb.2012 = Hail Mary IUI #4 = BFN
April/May 2012 = FET #2 w/our last two embies = BFP (Please let this be it!)
Beta #1 8dp5/6dt = 234 Beta #2 10dp5/6dt = 695 Beta #3 12dp5/6dt = 1796 Beta #4 17dp5/6dt = 17,888 U/S #1 May 17, 2012 = Twins
Baby B's heart stop beating at 9 weeks 5 days
Our little miracle baby is a boy. :)

Baby Boy Owen and Baby Girl Avery were born too early on Feb. 13, 2011 due to a pedunculated fibroid, incompetent cervix and suspected placental abruption.
Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

"What the heart has once owned and had, it shall never lose." - Henry Ward Beecher
Lots of love and luck to my PAIF/3T/IF Veteran ladies, especially my dear friend Zookie. Congrats to Papps, Teach84 and Starbuck on their little ones.

Re: ~Late loss ladies~

  • Thanks sweetie.  All we can do is absorb the info and talk to whatever doctors are necessary to make the right decision for ourselves and our yet to be conceived/born little ones.
    TTC #1 since October 2008. Dealing with MFI.
    IVF #1 w ICSI in July 2010 = BFN
    IVF #2.1 in Oct 2010 converted to IUI = BFN
    IVF #2.2 w ICSI in Dec 2010 = BFN
    Met with new RE in new city on 1/31/11.
    IVF #3 w ICSI in April 2011. HPT on 5/9 = BFP!
    Beta #1 on 5/10 (10dp5dt) = 99.4. Beta #2 on 5/12 = 284. First u/s on 5/26. = Fraternal TWINS!
    Twin boys born & lost on 8/16/11 at 18w1d due to PPROM & preterm labor.
    IVF #4.1 in Jan 2012 converted to IUI on 1/7/12 = BFN
    IVF #4.2 w ICSI in Feb 2012. Lupron on 2/10. Stims on 2/18. ER on 2/29- 7R,6F
    ET scheduled for 3/5/12- nothing to transfer :(
    Dh seeing new MFI uro & Dh starting meds- June 2012.
    IVF #5 in Dec 2012 = BFFN.
    IVF #6 planned for Spring 2013. Praying for our take home baby/ies.
    **P/SAIF and P/SAL always welcome!**

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
  • I spent a lot of time on abbyloopers and thought it was a great site.  I also really liked babycenters 2nd tri loss board.  Ultimately I had a preventative cerclage placed and it worked well for my situation.  Doctors are very strange about their feelings about cerclages in general and especially about TACs.  So you have to be in the right area or be willing to travel.
    Beautiful Miracle Baby lost at 21 weeks due to pre-term labor and incompetent cervix. FET#1 BFN, FET#2 BFP, early loss. FET#3 BFN. IVF#2 BFFN. FET #4 BFP after removing bilateral hydrosalpinx and 3 months of lupron depot. Sticky Bun is here!! Image and video hosting by TinyPic Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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  • imageEchloe:
    I spent a lot of time on abbyloopers and thought it was a great site.  I also really liked babycenters 2nd tri loss board.  Ultimately I had a preventative cerclage placed and it worked well for my situation.  Doctors are very strange about their feelings about cerclages in general and especially about TACs.  So you have to be in the right area or be willing to travel.

    Congrats again on your little one!  If you don't mind me asking, Was your preventative cerclage a TAC or TVC?  When did you have it done- before or during first tri of pregnancy?

    TTC #1 since October 2008. Dealing with MFI.
    IVF #1 w ICSI in July 2010 = BFN
    IVF #2.1 in Oct 2010 converted to IUI = BFN
    IVF #2.2 w ICSI in Dec 2010 = BFN
    Met with new RE in new city on 1/31/11.
    IVF #3 w ICSI in April 2011. HPT on 5/9 = BFP!
    Beta #1 on 5/10 (10dp5dt) = 99.4. Beta #2 on 5/12 = 284. First u/s on 5/26. = Fraternal TWINS!
    Twin boys born & lost on 8/16/11 at 18w1d due to PPROM & preterm labor.
    IVF #4.1 in Jan 2012 converted to IUI on 1/7/12 = BFN
    IVF #4.2 w ICSI in Feb 2012. Lupron on 2/10. Stims on 2/18. ER on 2/29- 7R,6F
    ET scheduled for 3/5/12- nothing to transfer :(
    Dh seeing new MFI uro & Dh starting meds- June 2012.
    IVF #5 in Dec 2012 = BFFN.
    IVF #6 planned for Spring 2013. Praying for our take home baby/ies.
    **P/SAIF and P/SAL always welcome!**

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
  • imageillinigal:

    I spent a lot of time on abbyloopers and thought it was a great site.  I also really liked babycenters 2nd tri loss board.  Ultimately I had a preventative cerclage placed and it worked well for my situation.  Doctors are very strange about their feelings about cerclages in general and especially about TACs.  So you have to be in the right area or be willing to travel.

    Congrats again on your little one!  If you don't mind me asking, Was your preventative cerclage a TAC or TVC?  When did you have it done- before or during first tri of pregnancy?

    ditto this

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  • imageDesiraeSunshine:

    I spent a lot of time on abbyloopers and thought it was a great site.  I also really liked babycenters 2nd tri loss board.  Ultimately I had a preventative cerclage placed and it worked well for my situation.  Doctors are very strange about their feelings about cerclages in general and especially about TACs.  So you have to be in the right area or be willing to travel.

    Congrats again on your little one!  If you don't mind me asking, Was your preventative cerclage a TAC or TVC?  When did you have it done- before or during first tri of pregnancy?

    ditto this

    . I had a traditional McDonal cerclage placed when I was 13 weeks. And then it was removed at 36 weeks. I also did P17 from 16 weeks until 36 weeks.
    Beautiful Miracle Baby lost at 21 weeks due to pre-term labor and incompetent cervix. FET#1 BFN, FET#2 BFP, early loss. FET#3 BFN. IVF#2 BFFN. FET #4 BFP after removing bilateral hydrosalpinx and 3 months of lupron depot. Sticky Bun is here!! Image and video hosting by TinyPic Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imageEchloe:

    I spent a lot of time on abbyloopers and thought it was a great site.  I also really liked babycenters 2nd tri loss board.  Ultimately I had a preventative cerclage placed and it worked well for my situation.  Doctors are very strange about their feelings about cerclages in general and especially about TACs.  So you have to be in the right area or be willing to travel.

    Congrats again on your little one!  If you don't mind me asking, Was your preventative cerclage a TAC or TVC?  When did you have it done- before or during first tri of pregnancy?

    ditto this

    . I had a traditional McDonal cerclage placed when I was 13 weeks. And then it was removed at 36 weeks. I also did P17 from 16 weeks until 36 weeks.

    Thanks for the info. This sounds like what my OB recommend next time I'm pregnant. 

    TTC #1 since October 2008. Dealing with MFI.
    IVF #1 w ICSI in July 2010 = BFN
    IVF #2.1 in Oct 2010 converted to IUI = BFN
    IVF #2.2 w ICSI in Dec 2010 = BFN
    Met with new RE in new city on 1/31/11.
    IVF #3 w ICSI in April 2011. HPT on 5/9 = BFP!
    Beta #1 on 5/10 (10dp5dt) = 99.4. Beta #2 on 5/12 = 284. First u/s on 5/26. = Fraternal TWINS!
    Twin boys born & lost on 8/16/11 at 18w1d due to PPROM & preterm labor.
    IVF #4.1 in Jan 2012 converted to IUI on 1/7/12 = BFN
    IVF #4.2 w ICSI in Feb 2012. Lupron on 2/10. Stims on 2/18. ER on 2/29- 7R,6F
    ET scheduled for 3/5/12- nothing to transfer :(
    Dh seeing new MFI uro & Dh starting meds- June 2012.
    IVF #5 in Dec 2012 = BFFN.
    IVF #6 planned for Spring 2013. Praying for our take home baby/ies.
    **P/SAIF and P/SAL always welcome!**

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
  • One more bit of advice, have your treatment plan in place before ET. I had 2 MFM consults when I wasn't pregnant, but was in the frozen cycle. I felt silly going, being in the waiting room with all the pregnant women. But it was so good knowing the plan and not worrying at least about that once pregnant.
  • Great idea about having the plan in place ahead of time.  I'm doing a fresh cycle with ET in January... Assuming I don't have any scars, cysts, or some other problem.
    TTC #1 since October 2008. Dealing with MFI.
    IVF #1 w ICSI in July 2010 = BFN
    IVF #2.1 in Oct 2010 converted to IUI = BFN
    IVF #2.2 w ICSI in Dec 2010 = BFN
    Met with new RE in new city on 1/31/11.
    IVF #3 w ICSI in April 2011. HPT on 5/9 = BFP!
    Beta #1 on 5/10 (10dp5dt) = 99.4. Beta #2 on 5/12 = 284. First u/s on 5/26. = Fraternal TWINS!
    Twin boys born & lost on 8/16/11 at 18w1d due to PPROM & preterm labor.
    IVF #4.1 in Jan 2012 converted to IUI on 1/7/12 = BFN
    IVF #4.2 w ICSI in Feb 2012. Lupron on 2/10. Stims on 2/18. ER on 2/29- 7R,6F
    ET scheduled for 3/5/12- nothing to transfer :(
    Dh seeing new MFI uro & Dh starting meds- June 2012.
    IVF #5 in Dec 2012 = BFFN.
    IVF #6 planned for Spring 2013. Praying for our take home baby/ies.
    **P/SAIF and P/SAL always welcome!**

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
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