
Anatomically correct stick figures??

Anyone elses 4-5yo draw people with a penis??? DS will include a penis when he draws a picture of himself or DH. No other males have a penis and the females do not have a penis - or any other "extra" parts. We have tried explaining that it's not nice to draw a picture of that and that maybe we can start drawing pictures that include clothes.

Someone please tell me it's just a phase!!! I had to mention this to his preschool teachers so that they can hop on board with the "add clothing" idea if htey see him doing this at school.

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Re: Anatomically correct stick figures??

  • I'm thinking it's just a phase, or at least I hope it is! My 3 y/o (almost 4 y/o) dd has just recently started adding penises to any picture she draws that she says is a boy. Yesterday she drew a king and queen, let's just say that it was clear which one was the king LOL.
  • my dd draws picks of me and her and her girl friends with boobs.  we all have boobs.  :::shakes head::::
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  • I think your reaction to it will make the phase last longer. As long as he keeps his in his pants, don't worry if the stick figure has his hanging out. All stick figures in my house have belly buttons and nipples. Dd says "boys have little nipples and girls have big nipples". Her pre-k teacher didn't even blink at dd's explanation and I didn't say anything about it either. I did laugh about it with my mom later... And she went and dug out some of my ancient artwork... Complete with boobs and belly buttons.
    - Jena
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