I recently became a new mom to a wonderful baby girl 7 weeks ago. I have been enjoying this new chapter in my life tremedously but as the days and weeks go by I know the inevitable is approaching.....going back to work. I have a sales job that I LIKE- not love and the more and more I think about going back to work and leaving my girl I am HATING my job.
My husband also works in sales so we are having to take her to a daycare 4 days a week. I'm so distraught by the thought of having to give her up to daycare for so long during the week. My husband and I also thought about the possiblity of me staying home and focusing on our home business and freelance grahic design projects but the money I make right noww is good with good benefits and cannot justify leaving at this point. Looking to hear from the moms that went back to work and how they emotionally were able to part with their little one - any encourage comments or advice is truly welcomed.
Re: Going back to work and starting daycare : (
It is not easy, but you will all adjust. For me, I was importan to just accept that it is what it is. I have to work - not working would just not be a good situation for my family, so I had to learn to accept that I was doing what was best for my own family and not feel guilty about that.
My kids have really thrived in daycare. Seriously. It is still hard for me sometimes that I haven't had as much time with them as I would like, but I've been really happy with our daycare. That part has been much better than I imagined it would. They love the time with their friends.