
Cost of inhome daycare for 1?

I'm contemplating having the lady across the street watch DD for a month or two M-F while DH takes DS out of town for a second opinion at a hospital. I will be studying for a professional exam and I just need 6-8 hours a day without toddler interruptions.

What's a reasonable hourly rate (before I ask her for her rate) or weekly rate? DD is pretty much the typical toddler. Eats anything, doesn't require special care. I will be right across the street if daycare provider needs anything.

I think their setup is 3-5 children (1yr-3?) taken care of by an older couple with help from her teenaged daughter. We are in IN, kinda low cost of living area if that helps.

Re: Cost of inhome daycare for 1?

  • We are in SoFL, which is HCOL area.  We pay $8/hr for our nanny/housekeeper, which is very cheap IMO.  She helps MIL watch the boys during the day and while not needed, she keeps house clean and does laundry.  
    -- Jackie
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  • I live in IN too, and have done some babysitting in my home.  I got $25/day/child.
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  • My in-home DCP charges $50/day for each child (actually, we pay $45/day b/c of the sibling discount). She's open from 7am-5:30pm and provides all food and milk (breakfast, lunch, and two snacks) for kids over 12 months. We provide diapers and wipes and our own sippy cups.

    This is in the DC area, so high cost of living (although her rates are significantly less than some other in-home DCPs we visited who all charged about $60/day).

  • My sister sends her DS over to the neighbor's for DC (who runs an in-home in Ohio) and she charges her $37/day for a toddler. I think the hours are approx. 8:30 am to 5:00 pm, give or take. She feeds him lunch and snacks, too.


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  • We take DS to an in-home day care and the weekly rate breaks down to $35/day. We are in the midwest also, in the Kansas City area. She provides breakfast, lunch and snacks and we provide diapers, wipes. 
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