DD#2 has always been a great sleeper at night and a great napper. The past two weeks or so she started having trouble falling asleep at naptime. I started to wonder if maybe she was going to drop her nap but then she would fall asleep (normal nap time is about 1-3:30ish) late and sleep until 4 or 5 and I would end up waking her so it didn't interfere with bedtime so it seems like once she does fall asleep she will still sleep a good 2-3hrs.
Then, a few days later she started having trouble falling asleep at night, too. She doesn't get upset, she just lies in her bed and talks/sings to herself or looks at books in her room until she finally goes to sleep (sometimes not until 10pm). Her usual bedtime is around 8.
I don't really think her bedtime is too early. She definitely seems tired and doesn't fight me on getting into bed, saying goodnight, etc. It's just that she takes for freaking ever to fall asleep! Here we are again, it is almost 10pm and she is still awake in her room.
Any thoughts? Advice?
Re: 2.5 y/o taking forever to fall asleep
That was the beginning of the end of the nap for us (actually though both of mine were barely 2).
I had to choose - nap and 10pm bedtime or no nap and normal bedtime.
The transition is a PITA with them falling asleep in the car... being cranky etc but I can't face a late bedtime or a child awake for hours alone.
My (just) 3 year old has a 6:30 bedtime as a result of the no nap thing.
eta: for us there was no point in shortening the nap. Even a 5 minute nap affected bedtime by 3 hours.