We have a Polar Express train ride near us, that runs Nov and December. The kids wear their PJs, it is a 2 hr ride that takes them to the 'North Pole'.
DD is very excited, she is 4.5, but with the ticket prices (like $50+ for an adult in the good seats) and a squirmy 2 year old, I am thinking of staying home with my 2 year old.
Any experience, thoughts, recommendations?
Re: Anyone go on the Polar Express?
We're taking Elyse for the first time! I"m so excited, I think she's gonna love it!
We're leaving Chase with my parents for the afternoon and spending it with just her. Gonna take her out to eat and then on the train ride! Can't wait! We bought our tickets back in August already!
We have been every year since DS was born (my Dad takes his whole family...8 kids!). It's a blast. That being said it's good b/c we are with a bunch of family and we have a fun time together. We sing songs and they bring hot cocoa and cookies. Our tickets are much less $$ though.
I would say go if you have a group of friends/family that want to go too and if your LO can sit and play/enjoy the trip.
I love these two beautiful children!