So hopefully I don't get flamed for this, but I've been lurking for a few weeks now & decided to write my first post on CD. I have a 6 year old son, who's obviously been potty trained for a long time. DH and I are TTC baby #2 now. (on cycle #3 so hopefully third time's a charm for us!)
I'm the type of girl who plans, re-plans, researches, and makes 10 lists for everything. So, mostly out of excitement for TTC I started researching baby items (wow they've changed since DS was a baby), and stumbled across a YouTube video about the day in the life of a CD mom. Now I'm hooked. What a great way to keep baby healthy, do the right thing for the enviorment, save money, and still have something that is easier than what our mom's & grandma's did!!!
1.) I think what I'll do is (should we be lucky enough to get KU) do one of the newborn trials at first and supplment with prefolds/covers while I'm on maternity leave. Then I'll buy one or two diapers of each kind I think I'll like (maybe used) to try before I build up my stash. Does this sound like a reasonable approach?
2.) Does anyone on here use a daycare center that lets you do CD? How did you convince them to let you CD? Is it a pain to rinse/launder the dirties after they've been sitting all day?
3.) Without having a baby to try them yet, and without knowing what my hopeful future baby will be shaped like, I'm leaning towards pockets and/or sleeve diapers. Mostly because they seem easier than prefolds & covers for a daycare & dry faster than AIOs. Are the AIOs really that big of a pain to dry? In other words, is the drying time a reason to rule them out? Do dryer balls help enough? What kind of dryer balls do you like?
4.) Has anyone tried Smartipants? I like that they are cheaper than say FB, are a sleeve so you don't have to un-stuff before washing, are OS, and are made in the USA. Do they hold up well in the wash? What about Thirsties Duos? How do they compare?
Re: Intro - and a few questions
Your approach is good. I am a planner, too. Lol
I have not tried Thirsties Duos or Smartipants. However, I do use Tots Bots. (a sleeve diaper) I do like them, but sometimes they don't come unstuffed. So, I just unstuff them anyway. The brands that I have used that say they will unstuff themselves generally don't do that 100% of the time. It's not worth it to me to wash the load again because 1 diaper didn't unstuff.
I don't think drying time is a reason to rule out a diaper. That being said, I wouldn't make your stash 100% of that diaper. A variety is good, so you have different CDs for different situations.
No flames - welcome!!
1. Some prefolds and a newborn trial sound like a great approach. I knew what I liked and didn't like and I just built my stash while DS was a newborn.
2. I didn't have to convince my DCP at all, which shocked me b/c virtually no one CDs in my area. If you have to convince, I'd plan on using something very simple for DC (AIO or pre-stuffed pockets). We use pre-stuffed pockets (BG4s) and provide a clean wet bag each day.
3. Some people certainly love their AIOs. Drying time is better than it used to be as many of the newer designs essentially have a doubler stitched in versus just having many layers of fabric. This allows for better cleaning and quicker drying. AIOs didn't work well for us as they weren't absorbent enough but pockets have been great.
4. I haven't personally used Smartipants or Thirsties Duos. I haven't read much on Smartipants but a CD buddy of mine has a few and likes them. I've heard mixed reviews on the Duos. A lot of people like them but I've heard a few things re: size - 1. Many people complain that there's a gap around 13-15 lbs where neither cover fits. 2. I've heard some folks complain that the Size 2 isn't big enough for their toddler. This being said, you'll almost always hear something negative about a product, so take that into consideration. Also, you might want to check out the FAQs at the top of the CD page - there's a spreadsheet w/CD reviews out there that is very helpful.
Being a planner, such a blessing at times, and a curse at others!!
I guess I just assumed the sleeves would always come un-stuffed. Good to know they don't. Thanks for the heads up. I suppose if I'm using pockets some of the time having to unstuff the sleeves won't be that big of a deal. I'm starting to realize the "danger" with CD is that I'll want to try everything which may end up costing me more than what sposies would cost!
lynn97 - Thanks for the responses, definitely helpful info! I think I'm most nervous that I won't be able to find a DCP that will do CDs. Not many people CD here either. You've made me more hopeful that I can find a center that will do it!
I was kind of expecting to like one or two brands and make most of my stash out of those, but it's starting to sound like I really should have several different brands and several different types for different situations/times in my LOs life. So glad this board exists so I can learn these things now instead of after I've spent $700 on one kind of diaper that doesn't work for me!
And thanks for pointing out the CD reviews spreadsheet. I noticed it when I read the FAQs a few weeks ago, but didn't look at it then because I felt it was was little too overwhelming. Now that I feel like I've got a little more understanding, I'll take a look.
1. Yes
2. We had one DCP that was open to trying them, and one that didn't mention it either way. We used disposables, but there are DCPs out there who will CD. You can print out your state laws on it, and show them some user-friendly CDs. They're not a big deal to wash at the end of a day.
3. A lot of people line dry, so dryer balls are a moot point. There are other reasons not to use AIOs, including inability to adjust absorbency. And you might try a certain type (AI2s, fitted) and find you love them. I make my own dryer balls.
4. Nope. I don't like Thirsties Duos.
GL! Still not sure why you'd be flamed for this post.
1) Sounds good!
2) I had DD1 in gdiapers with the disposable inserts and her daycare was fine with it. I am a SAHM but I take my babies to a mommy group once a week and they stay in nursery. Nursery workers have no issues with my cloth.
3) They are a bit of a pain honestly.
4) Never tried smartipants but i do like thirsties duos, I also LOVE bumgenius 4.0s (BG 4.0s)
"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."
Thanks! Mostly because I'm not even pregnant yet. So basically I'm planning/shopping for a dreamed of baby! That sounds pretty crazy when I say it out loud. But I really am quite serious about CDing should we be blessed with another LO.