I've been thinking about what to do once Ethan starts full time elementary (he's in 1/2 day kindergarten now) and I know I don't want to go back to teaching. I am thinking of pursuing psychology and becoming a therapist of some sort or another, but I don't know exactly how to go about getting the education for it.
I've already got a BA in English Lit and an MA in Teaching. Would I have to start over and get a BA/BS in psych or can I go right to the MA, since I already have a BA? Can anyone tell me the difference between a BA in Psych and a BS in Psych?
of course I'll be googling the hell out of this stuff in the next year or so, but I'd love to hear from someone who went back for a degree after having kids, esp if its in this field.
Re: Can someone talk to me about continuing education....
LCSW is definitely the way to go if you're hoping to do therapy - IMO the Masters in Psych is not too helpful professionally