
Can someone talk to me about continuing education....

I've been thinking about what to do once Ethan starts full time elementary (he's in 1/2 day kindergarten now) and I know I don't want to go back to teaching.  I am thinking of pursuing psychology and becoming a therapist of some sort or another, but I don't know exactly how to go about getting the education for it.  

I've already got a BA in English Lit and an MA in Teaching.  Would I have to start over and get a BA/BS in psych or can I go right to the MA, since I already have a BA?   Can anyone tell me the difference between a BA in Psych and a BS in Psych?  

of course I'll be googling the hell out of this stuff in the next year or so, but I'd love to hear from someone who went back for a degree after having kids, esp if its in this field.




Re: Can someone talk to me about continuing education....

  • DH just started a Masters in Psych and he has a BA in Management.  You can try contacting somewhere like Univ of Phoenix and see what their requirements are.
  • I'm a licensed psychologist. You can likely apply straight to a master's program. Undergraduate degree in psychology is useless with regard to actually practicing. In most states you need a ph.d. or equivalent to work clinically. If you want to practice clinically it would be faster to get your master's in social work and pursue an LICSW.
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  • cbidt's girl, I was wondering about that, too (psych vs social work).  Thanks! I'll widen my search to include that.  
  • I got my masters degree in a program that was completely unrelated to my undergraduate degree. I just had to take an extra year because I was missing some of the prerequesite classes needed to take the upper level masters classes. Just call the counciling office of the university that you are wanting to attend and they can let you know what you would need. I am guessing that it is a case/by university situation. I love school. Have fun going back!
    Proud Mommy to Kaylie 12-04, Alaina 5-06 & Annalise 6-08 imageimage
  • imageCbidt's girl:
    I'm a licensed psychologist. You can likely apply straight to a master's program. Undergraduate degree in psychology is useless with regard to actually practicing. In most states you need a ph.d. or equivalent to work clinically. If you want to practice clinically it would be faster to get your master's in social work and pursue an LICSW.

    DEFINITELY this :)  LCSW is definitely the way to go if you're hoping to do therapy - IMO the Masters in Psych is not too helpful professionally :(  

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