Cloth Diapering



I really want to cloth diaper my LO when he/she gets here. I'm just worried about the start up clothes. I thought i had a handle on how much i needed then i started ready posts about these huge stashes that "should be enough". Now i don't know if i should just start on disposables and slowly build up my stash. DH is in school until the second week in march, which means we will be on a reduced income with no extra money for baby stuff. everything will need to be bought between then and mid june when the baby comes. I just don't know if we will be able to buy everything else we need and spend lots of money on the cloth diapers.

How did you start your stash. Slowly over time? Buy used?

I really really want to use cloth so please share your experiences/advice.

Thank you

Audrey is going to be a big sister!

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Re: $$$$

  • Hi!

    Congrats! We didn't start CDing until 4 months, so what I bought will be a little different, but maybe the approach will be the same. I bought 2 days worth of diapers to start. A few pockets and some BG Flips and covers. Then from there I slowly tried new brands and added things I liked. As I accumulated from there I sold off what I didn't love as much to fund the new purchases. 

    For a newborn I see a lot of people suggest prefolds and covers. I'd suggest getting 2 days worth of those, or whatever you think you're going to like, and build from there. You never know what's going to fit your baby best or have the right absorbency for their pee style until they get here and you can experiment a little to see what works best for you. :) HTHs.

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  • I bought a little here and a little there. I would spend anywhere between $30 and $100 at a time. I bought them from websites with free shipping with the exception of GMD and Grasshopper. Once LO arrived and I tried out all the diapers I had, I spend more money on the diapers we liked the best. 

    I was nervous to buy used because this is my first baby and I plan on using them for any other babies we have.

    If you are worried about cost, you can go with prefolds as they are the most economical. If you wanted to use pockets, I would go with kawaii because they seem like the best price. I have 6 kawaii pure and naturals and they fit the NB stage really well. Other kawaii are a lot bigger, but are good for a nighttime diaper.

    Lots of people seem to really like BGs but I think kawaii are just as good and half the price.

    Anyways... buy slowly over time is my advice! 

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  • Buying used helps a lot as well as going with a cheaper diaper such as prefolds and covers.

    I started with disposables until he was out of the newborn diapers, I don't think it's worth it to buy both a newborn stash when they grow out of it so soon, and even when people ask about what kind of diapers you're thinking about using and you tell them cloth, they will still buy you 'sposie newborn sized, so I didn't spend a dime on diapers for his newborn phase.

    Also, I started out with 18 prefolds, 2 covers, 2 AIO and 1 pocket. All given to me at my shower. I then JUST NOW got 1 more cover, 2 more AIOs so he doesn't have to wear 'sposies at Grandmas, and 12 more prefolds. I also made a cover and 2 AIOs.

    So, that brings my total stash up to:

    6 AIOs

    30 Prefolds

    4 covers

    1 pocket.

    It seems a lot harder to cloth diaper than it is. Take a deep breath, and know that even though it might seem like a big chunk of money right now, you are saving THOUSANDS by going this route. I feel your pain with money issues. It's hard. We weren't planning on DS for another 2 years or so but birth control failed and you do what you have to to get by.

    Craigslist is your friend. You can find cloth diapers for great deals there. Also, look for a 'green' baby store. They usually have consignment sales for used diapers.

    I personally highly recommend OSOcozy indian cotton prefolds. They are the softest I've found and they are inexspensive.

  • You have a lot of time left in your pregnancy so you could do this fairly economically.

    Read up on different types of newborn possibilities, and decide if you want to diaper through that phase and what you think would work for you. Prefolds are cheap even if you get them new. If you want something pricier, start looking at craigslist. People often sell intact newborn sets, which are generally gently used. Get an estimate for what disposables would cost for the first 6-8 weeks and decide how much you want to save with CD and let that set your budget for this phase.

    After the newborn phase, you might want pockets or whatever. Again, you can often find gently used sets from people who tried but didn't stick with CD. Or, you can look into low-budget pockets, clearanced items, etc. There are lots of ways to get good deals. 

  • I bought 24 prefolds, 4  thirsties covers, 2 snappis, and detergent before LO was born. (Cost me about $115, shipping included, I was also given a roll of liners that I never used) These lasted us until LO was big enough to really fit her OS diapers, about 3 months old. We had been given 20 OS Fuzzibunz as a gift. We soon figured out that they just did not work with our LO's body type. Her legs were too chunky! So, I bought diapers I thought might work for us a few at a time. We tried BG 4.0's, Tots Bots, Applecheeks, Kawaii, Grovia, and some mama made fluff, too. I wish that I had bought one of each, originally. (off of Spots Corner or something) to see how we liked them, meanwhile using sposies or trying to get by with a minimal stash) I was just too impatient. Now we have a large array of diapers...probably too many. Lol 

    I highly suggest looking at the newborn packages on Nicki's Diapers website. That is what I purchased. It lasted us a bit. (and even then, I am saving them for our next LO- we also use the PFs as spit rags) Then, buy a few used diapers and build your stash gradually. This way you're not wasting money on diapers that won't even work for your baby.

    You can do it mama! 


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  • We bought a little over time and definitely bought used. I got a lot of stuff either on here or through hyenacart (spot's corner). One thing I did to help was to sell off some stuff I didn't need on ebay. (clothes that didn't fit right, and old purse or two, some decorative stuff, you know, stuff you have that you don't really need). That way I got some money in my paypal account and then used that money on diapers so I didn't feel like I was even spending money!
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  • You have plenty of time to build up a stash. We decide very early on that we would CD. Whenever I see a coupon or a good deal from a fellow bumpie I go for it. I have gotten some good deals:

    4 kissaluvs fitted for $6 each

    6 GMD seconds fitted  for $24 total

    24 GMD prefolds for $30 

    4 bumGenius for $45

     Good deals are out there! Just have to be patient! GL  

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  • Yup, as others have said if you are on a budget DEFINITELY start CD from the beginning! In the beginning is when you really save the most because they go through the most diapers. Buy Thirsties covers and pf's and you will be set for months and spend minimal amounts especially if you buy new. Pf's are the easiest to buy used because they are indestructible and you can bleach and strip without hesitation before your LO comes. Oh and in the beginning you don't have to do any fancy folds or anything like you see people talk about, just fold in thirds and lay it in the cover. It's soooo easy! And they come super clean, no "stinkies" or anything like you hear people talk about with pockets, microfiber etc. GL to you!
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  • Bummis has a prefold kit which is what we started with. I think it was 24 prefolds and several covers. I think it was $150-200 but it lasted us for months.  DS is 15 weeks now, he can still wear the prefolds but we only use them as backup diapers because we have bought a bunch of pocket diapers in the meantime.  Also, look for deal on diapers as you build your stash, it seems like someone is always having a "buy 5, get one free" promo or something. We got a bunch of fuzzibunz because they were having a buy 6, get 2 free promo in september. 
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