If you're new, let us know the basics - when did you start TTC, what is your diagnosis/suspicion, where are you at in the process/next steps? Please let us know if you have upcoming treatments, so we can check in with you on a more regular basis during that time. Also read this check-in often the first week it is posted so we can answer everyone's questions. (It seems prolonged to have someone ask a question in this post and not have it answered until next month's check-in!) Finally, if you have suggestions about what else should be included in the check-in or changes, throw them out there!
Currently Trying to Get Pregnant!
KRoseToes (December 2008)
Diagnosis - Severe MFI, Late ovulation, Short LP
Current status - Saving money for IVF/ICIS, researching adoption options.
tst1998 (June 2009)
Diagnosis ? Unexplained
Current status ? IUIs unsuccessful, IVF 1 = c/p, will start FET in November
babyaustin725 (TTC #2 - not preventing since Aug. 2007, actively trying since Jan. 2010)
Diagnosis - None. No testing performed to date.
Current status - Will try 6 cycles of Clomid after the appropriate dose is found. After that, will discuss testing and/or additional treatments.
Kglan (TTC #2)
Diagnosis ? One ovary, MFI
Current status ? One son thanks to IVF! Started IVF for child #2 in October.
suzie711 (TTC #2)
Diagnosis ? Unexplained - amenorrhea
Current status ? Will start IF treatments when first child is 2; currently in the not preventing stage and seeing naturopath.
N.CarolinaGirl (TTC #2 - October 2008)
Diagnosis - No ovulation despite LH surge, MFI
Current status ? Doctor suggested trying Metaformin
Theresab (Thinking about TTC #2)
Diagnosis ? Unknown, but endometriosis may contribute
Current status ? First child conceived on 2nd IUI, with Femara and acupuncture; currently in the not preventing stage (m/c in August)
girlofsummer78 (September 2009)
Diagnosis ? Unexplained
Current status ? IUIs unsuccessful, first IVF unsuccessful
Angelinmind (September 2008)
Diagnosis ? Unexplained so far
Current status ? Variety of testing
HopingForMyFirstBaby (April 2010)
Diagnosis ? Severe MFI
Current status ? Saving money for IVF/ICIS and researching clinics
amandaleigh1 (May 2010)
Diagnosis ? Stage II endo, AMA
Current status ? Going through IVF#1
Success Stories!
Diagnosis ? Blocked tube, endometrial polyp, cyst, severe MFI, hypothyroidism
Current status ? Pregnant!
Diagnosis - Polyp
Current Status ? Pregnant!
Diagnosis - PCO on the ovaries, LH secretion syndrome, Androgen issues, very small uterus
Current status ? Pregnant!
Diagnosis ? Blocked tube
Current Status ? Pregnant after several unsuccessful IUIs and one successful IVF!
Diagnosis ? Idiopathic infertility
Current status ? Pregnant after IUI #3
Diagnosis - Late ovulation, short LP, don't produce enough follicles, low morphology
Current status ? Mommy to a boy thanks to successful IVF#2!
Diagnosis - Homozygous MTHFR, two copies of C667T, hyperhomocysteinemia
Current status ?Mommy to 2 girls!
Diagnosis - Severe MFI, non-obstructive azoospermia
Current Status - 8 IUI cycles and Mommy to boy/girl twins!
Diagnosis - PCOS, Short LP
Current status ?Got pregnant after using Metformin, Now Mommy to 2 kids!!
1) Where are you at in the process/what is your next step?
2) What are you doing fun this month that is non-IF related?
3) Any vents/confessions?
4) Roll Call: A few of us have scheduled an IF GTG for November 19 (brunch, location TBD). If you're interested in meeting up with some very nice women to vent and chat, let ust know!
4) Any questions you'd like to ask the other ladies?
Re: November Infertility Check-in (SAIFW)
2) What are you doing fun this month that is non-IF related? Later this week I'm leaving for Florida to see extended family for a few days.
3) Any vents/confessions? I am now dreading going to Florida because my younger sister is also visiting at the same time. We have a difficult relationship under normal circumstances. However, she's now about 7 weeks pregnant and I don't know how I'm going to handle seeing her and interacting with her in a normal way. I can kind of fake it on the phone, but her pregnancy is killing me more than anything I've had to deal with in this IF rollercoaster.
4) Roll Call: A few of us have scheduled an IF GTG for November 19 (brunch, location TBD). If you're interested in meeting up with some very nice women to vent and chat, let ust know! I'll be there!
4) Any questions you'd like to ask the other ladies? Did anyone use an FSA account to help pay for IF treatments? I'm thinking about dramatically upping my FSA contribution next year for IF treatments. However, I'm nervous that for some reason treatment will be put off and then I'll have a giant FSA amount that I'll have to use or lose before 2013.
1) Where are you at in the process/what is your next step?
Started BCP for our IVF cycle last week and shart my Lupron shots a week from today.
2) What are you doing fun this month that is non-IF related?
Fun? Start planning xmas, excited that Zach will enjoy it more this year.
3) Any vents/confessions?
So tired of my DH being a big baby about his foot when he doesn't take care of himself. (He has a really bad sprain from b-ball.) Then goes to work the last 2 days and walks around on it, no ice, no elevation, shoes on...no wonder it hurts REALLY bad at the end of the day!
4) Roll Call: A few of us have scheduled an IF GTG for November 19 (brunch, location TBD). If you're interested in meeting up with some very nice women to vent and chat, let us know! I'm interested, depends on what is going on with the IVF cycle and where the brunch is.
4) Any questions you'd like to ask the other ladies?
1) Where are you at in the process/what is your next step?
Monitoring appointment tomorrow. Hopefully we are on track for ET on 11/10
2) What are you doing fun this month that is non-IF related?
We are hosting Thanksgiving for my family and MIL, BIL and his wife. It will be a house-full, but I'm really excited about it.
3) Any vents/confessions?
I have now been lapped by all my friends, they all have #2 or are pregnant with #2. Here I am still working on #1. I love them all, but I'm feeling so left behind and left out and like I'm living in a different world. It makes me sad and I'm afraid of what will happen if we never have kids.
4) Roll Call: A few of us have scheduled an IF GTG for November 19 (brunch, location TBD). If you're interested in meeting up with some very nice women to vent and chat, let ust know!
I will be there!!
TTC #1 since 2009 with unexplained infertility
IUI#1-4 Jan.-Apr. 2011 = BFNs
IVF#1 Aug. 2011 = c/p, FET #1 Nov. 2011 = c/p, FET #2 April 2012 = BFP!
Beta #1 = 153, Beta #2 = 269, Beta #3 = 675
1st U/S = TWINS!! EDD 12/29/12
my blog: Journey to Somewhere
April IVF Spring Chicks
We used our HSA, which is different than the FSA in that you don't lose the money if you don't use it. But it has to be tied to a high deductible insurance plan. For us, that wasn't a big deal, because none of our IF stuff was covered by insurance, so we were paying everything out of pocket anyway. And I have no other medical issues. There was a $3000 limit though, so it only covered our IUIs. I think there is a limit on FSA contributions too, in which case I would max it out. If nothing else you could buy the meds for a future IVF cycle.
TTC #1 since 2009 with unexplained infertility
IUI#1-4 Jan.-Apr. 2011 = BFNs
IVF#1 Aug. 2011 = c/p, FET #1 Nov. 2011 = c/p, FET #2 April 2012 = BFP!
Beta #1 = 153, Beta #2 = 269, Beta #3 = 675
1st U/S = TWINS!! EDD 12/29/12
my blog: Journey to Somewhere
April IVF Spring Chicks
1) Where are you at in the process/what is your next step?
HCG is at 0 so no more blood draws (horray!). Got AF last week so waiting to O. Really want to start up accupuncture again but need to find the time (and a babysitter). Can't go back to fertility doc since I'm still breastfeeding E.
2) What are you doing fun this month that is non-IF related?
Birthday party for E is on Saturday which I'm sure will be fun but it right now it is really stressing me out.
3) Any vents/confessions?
I'm probably crazy thinking about #2 since sleep is so horrible still for #1 and I often feel overwhelmed. But I really don't want them too far apart.
4) Roll Call: A few of us have scheduled an IF GTG for November 19 (brunch, location TBD). If you're interested in meeting up with some very nice women to vent and chat, let ust know! I would like to, but I'm not sure on our schedule yet (need to see if my husband is free to watch E)
4) Any questions you'd like to ask the other ladies?
1) Where are you at in the process/what is your next step? I transferred a single d3 embryo on 10/30/11, and I am waiting to see if it sticks. I am slightly less apprehensive about the outcome of this process since I found out yesterday that I have 3 embryos that made it to freeze. So, I have potential siblings or a second try via FET.
2) What are you doing fun this month that is non-IF related? Zilch. I just started a new job, and the long hours combined with my progesterone supplementation are making me no fun and very tired.
3) Any vents/confessions? I took an hpt test today to check that my hcg trigger is gone, and it is. So, now I am trying to wonder how long I can hold out before I try testing for real. I am not sure I can make it to beta day (11/10).
4) Roll Call: A few of us have scheduled an IF GTG for November 19 (brunch, location TBD). If you're interested in meeting up with some very nice women to vent and chat, let ust know! I am still interested.
4) Any questions you'd like to ask the other ladies? Nothing I can think of right now.
IVF #1 ET 1 d3 embryo 10/30/11 BFP
3 Embryos frozen (1 d5, 2 d6)
DS born 07/29/12
FET #1 ET 1 d5 embryo 02/10/15 BFN
FET #2 1 d6 embryo didn't survive thaw, transferred last d6. CP