
Just found out a friend has breast cancer.


She's like 2 years older than me.  So freaking scary. 

Kill all my demons and my angels might die too. -Tennessee Williams

You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.

Re: Just found out a friend has breast cancer.

  • OMG!  It is so scary!  Hugs!
  • I'm sorry. Do you know what stage? My best friend was dx'd with stage 1 a few years ago. Wow, it knocked me on my ass -- I felt so protective over her. She had the breast removed and reconstructed and she is doing great...had her first baby last year.

    We did make a basket for the hospital: a handmade pink blanket (her daughter uses it now), good socks, a robe, etc. I just listened to her a lot -- it was always at night when her mind started wandering. Tough times, but our friendship is stronger than ever.

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  • Scary.  Hope that her treatment is the best possible.
    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • I'm sorry. :-(  I have a friend 2-3 years younger than me who's already 4 years into her battle.  I hope your friend makes a full recovery. 
  • That just sucks. I'm really sorry.
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  • I have a 31 year old friend who was recently diagnosed with breast cancer.  She started a blog writng about it
  • I am so sorry.  I have watched a close childhood friend of my DH's and a co-worker both go through breast cancer in their mid 30's with young kids in the last 2 years.  It is so hard and scary.  Both are totally fine today!!!
    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
  • While I am sorry about your mom CJ, that is really NOT what I wanted to read.
    Kill all my demons and my angels might die too. -Tennessee Williams

    You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
  • It is scary...I was diagnosed 10 months ago as of next week.  It sucks.  I do want to tell you I am doing well.  I did reconstruction surgery and chemo.  I was able to keep my hair  - they have ways you can do that now.  I am doing really well.  I went back to teaching aerobics a few weeks after chemo and my class never knew I had BC because I kept my hair.  I ran 6 miles today.  It is more of an emotional battle now than a physical one even though I have one more surgery in December.

    I am truly sorry for your friend's diagnosis. I am going to give you the link to my blog in case it helps her at all.  I will say some prayers for her.  I do really understand.

    I am also going to get on my soapbox for a minute:   DO MONTHLY BREAST EXAMS!  I found my lump and the mammo I had 5 months earlier showed NOTHING! I don't have the most aggressive/fast growing cancer either.  Mammo's are not accurate at all.  ALso realize 1 in 8 woman UNDER the ageof 45 will get BC. I had NO family history other than one aunt that got it in her 80's which is not really much.  80% of woman that get BC had NO family history. 

    I am done with my soap box and will put it away now.  Please share this information with the woman you love and care about.  Make your friends/family do exams and get mammo's.  :)


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