Econobums covers are normally $9.95 at my diaper store. Right now they are doing BOGO making them pretty much $5. I am due in December so I haven't CDed yet. What's been your experience with these covers? Obviously I am not going to put them on a newborn, since I don't think they will fit her well enough, but I thought this might be a good way to build my stash. Worth $5 or no? Thanks!
Re: Would you go for it? Econobums $5?
I'm not sure which store you are referring to, but Cotton Babies has B1G1 cover/prefold packs for that price. So I think you would get 2 covers and 2 prefolds for $9.95. I have a few of these sets and like them. They are a bit bulky, but super absorbant. They fit my 6 month old good right now and I think we started using them a couple months ago. I don't think I can pass up that deal, I'm going to order some from Cotton Babies
My stash is primarily BG 3.0 and 4.0's but I figured I'd like having these covers for travel. Flip inserts fit inside and if I run out of my pockets I'll use my prefolds with this cover.
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