
Background Checks

These things are taking FOREVER!!! I know 4 weeks isn't actually eternity, but man it feels like it when I just want to get my profile up and be a waiting family. DH has two background checks that haven't come back yet for our homestudy, and I'm sure they're going to take even longer. We have no address for him; he lived in barracks and has no clue how to get an address. Both these places were states he was only in for a couple months of training. I really hope they go through eventually! We have a phone appointment with our agency in a couple of hours, and it stinks that we still don't have our HS finished.
~Julie image Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Re: Background Checks

  • One of mine took 9 weeks. They lost it.

    For our background checks, as long as we had an approximate street address we were good. Did he just put that he was in barracks on XYZ base?

  • Ours took 2 months 
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  • We are waiting too :( I was told 8 weeks...and that is also what they have listed on the FBI's website....I'm still holding out hope they'll come sooner but not counting on it.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    DD conceived with no issues, but born at 33 weeks due to PPROM
    loss #1-06/2010 loss #2-2/2011 loss #3-5/2011
    07/2011 dx with a Balanced Translocation
    9/2011-decided on domestic infant adoption 10/2011-signed with an agency and getting ready for homestudy :)
    12-2012-after being with our agency over a year and only shown to EM once we decided to talk with RE about DEIVF. Thru a crazy sequence of events we decided to go for it and we picked a donor MUCH quicker than anticipated
    1/13/2013-started lupron with anticipated transfer in mid Feb.
    ER 2/15 resulted in 15 eggs/10M/6F with ICSI.
    2/18 transferred 1-8cell and 1-9cell embie. Snuggle in little embies.
    positive on HPT 6dp3dt. Could this really be IT?!?! Beta 14dp3dt=2440. U/S scheduled for 3/20. Pregnancy Ticker
  • I might be able to help you with the barracks addresses. Email me at I will respond to you from my work account, which is a government email address. Can't make any promises, but I can at least try to help.
    Cervical Cancer Survivor since 2007 TTC Since 2008 IUI#1 = BFN IUI#2 = BFN IUI#3 = BFN IUI#4 = BFN IVF #1 = BFN FET #1 = BFN FET #2 = BFN FET #3 = BFN IVF #2 = BFN IVF #3 = BFN FET #4 = BFN FET #5 = BFP!!! 06/10/2011 Miscarriage 06/21/2011 Adoption Application Submitted 09/2011, Personal Documents Submitted 11/18/2011, Home Visit 12/16/2011, Officially Waiting!!! 01/21/2013 MATCHED!!!! 01/24/2013 Baby Boy Born! Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • What a pain that it takes longer without the specific address.  What about "in the middle of freaking nowhere sacrificing for your freedom" as an address?  Probably wouldn't go over too well, huh?  :) 

    Todd & Kristin, 3.10.07

    After 5.5 years of loss, heartbreak, and empty arms, our dreams were fulfilled through the beautiful, selfless gift of adoption. We are amazingly blessed!

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    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • imagekekis:

    What a pain that it takes longer without the specific address.  What about "in the middle of freaking nowhere sacrificing for your freedom" as an address?  Probably wouldn't go over too well, huh?  :) 

    LOL that probably wouldn't help, but it's soooo tempting. We were probably just spoiled by our first couple. Two of the states came in within a week and a half, and the FBI one was almost as fast. Unfortunately, two of the last three we were able to get in are taking the longest!

    ~Julie image Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers
  • imagelafayettegirl:
    I might be able to help you with the barracks addresses. Email me at I will respond to you from my work account, which is a government email address. Can't make any promises, but I can at least try to help.

    I somehow didn't see this when I looked before. As of now, they have already been sent in so we can't really add the addresses to them. If we go much longer without a response and an address will help, I'll definitely be sending you an e-mail, thanks.

    ~Julie image Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers
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