Babies: 0 - 3 Months

BF - How long does it take to nurse/soothe before bedtime?

If you BF before bedtime, how long does it take you to nurse/soothe your LO before laying them down?  And do you lay them down awake or asleep?  If you lay them down awake, how long does it take for them to fall asleep?

It takes me about 1.5 hours to nurse/soothe my LO to sleep.  If he is not passed out completely, he will fuss for a couple minutes. But the whole process takes about 1.5 hours.

1.5 hours seems like a long time to me, but I try to remember that he is only 5 weeks old.  It used to take me forever to lay down DD, but after she was a little older, I was able to nurse her and just lay her down immediately.

Just wondering if it takes others just as long.

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Re: BF - How long does it take to nurse/soothe before bedtime?

  • The last two nights it has taken me just twenty minutes knock on wood. But before that it could take up to three hours!! She will NOT let me put her down awake or she fusses. She has to be very asleep to be put down so I nurse and rock her and usually let her comfort nurse for quite a while before she is asleep.
  • 2 hours from start to finish.  That includes a feeding, bath, bedtime story, 3 diaper changes, another feeding and 2-3 attempts to put him down that are only successful for 10 minutes or so before he's up again.
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  • I have DH put her down to bed and it takes him about an hour, but when I do mt late night feeding the whole process usually takes 1.5-2 hours.  It's hard for me to get DD back to sleep and she cries if I put her down awake now.
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  • It used to take 3 hours...I'd have to nurse her and let her comfort nurse for 2 hours...then change her, put her in her sleeper and nurse her again for another 45 minutes.  It was so frustrating!  She is almost 6 months old now and it takes about 45 minutes...DH changes her and puts her in her jammies then I feed her, burp her, pat her bum for a few minutes then put her down.
  • Our whole bedtime routine takes 45 min-1 hr. That's bath, lotion, jammies, nursing, and then bed. It's 45 if she goes right to sleep and stays that way but if she's awake when I put her down it takes a little longer. When she was younger it took much longer bc she took about an hour just to nurse. Now she takes about 30 min.
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  • My LO is 5 weeks, and surprisingly we have a pretty good bedtime routine.  We do a bath every other night, so those nights add about 20 minutes to the beginning, but we usually do bath, lotion, jammies, stories, feeding, burping, then bed.  She goes down when she's drowsy and usually falls asleep in about 10 minutes.  The whole process with bath takes about 45-60 minutes and without bath is about 30-45.



  • I'm curious about the middle-of-the-night put back to sleep routine.  Are all your LOs sleeping through the night?!  If not, how long does it generally take you to get LO back to sleep after waking up for a feeding in the middle of the night?
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  • imagens1:
    I'm curious about the middle-of-the-night put back to sleep routine.  Are all your LOs sleeping through the night?!  If not, how long does it generally take you to get LO back to sleep after waking up for a feeding in the middle of the night?

    Middle of the night feedings take 30 minutes total from wake-up to when I'm crawling back under the covers.

    June '15 January Siggy Challenge.  Pinterest Fails

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  • My LO goes down around 930 and wakes up to eat at 1, 4 and 730ish. She goes right back to sleep after I feed her. She is up for a couple hours at 730/8 then naps for a couple hours. She used to stay up after night feedings when I was getting up and going to the couch to nurse but now I stay in bed in the dark and she basically dream feeds. I can even change her diaper and she keeps her eyes closed.
  • It was taking me about 2 hours to get DD down including bath, lotion, pj's, and nursing to sleep before I put her in the RNP.  For the past two weeks she falls asleep within about 20 minutes of nursing but the second I go to move her she is wide awake... and if I try to put her down she will scream, not cry, scream!   For the past two weeks she has been sleeping on my chest all night from about 6:30pm-8am...  it sucks. Everynight I try to wait until she is knocked out to try to put her in her RNP, boppy, crib, swing, anywhere else other than me...  But it never works! I've spent up to 4 hours at a time doing this before I give in and go to bed with her on my chest.   So my situation might not really be what you're asking!

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  • I usually feed DD downstairs and about 7pm and when we go to bed between 9 and 10 take her upstairs with her and feed her again (but dont wake her up fully). Sometimes shes a little bit awake when I put her down, others shes fast asleep but I go straight to be so no idea how long it takes her to drift off. Usually I get woken up about 2 or 3am again but it gives me a good few hours sleep
  • I change him, then I nurse him for like 2 hours before he will go to sleep.  he will fall asleep at the breast then when I go to readjust him he will start screaming.  I will have to let him comfort nurse untill he falls asleep.  It is very stressful for me some nights because my nipples still get quite sore (I'm hoping that ends soon).  I hope it gets easier!

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