I am wondering what everyone's thoughts are regarding so called "sleep crutches" and how, or if one should, break these habits.
Reason: DD won't nap during the day unless she is swinging and the hair dryer is on in the background. And, she won't sleep at night unless she is on me - the whole.darn.night (two weeks now). At first, I was under the mindset of "whatever works to get her some good rest" but now I am feeling super frustrated that I am stuck with her on me from 6:30pm until about 8am. I usually get up once to pee after I change her diaper and she cries the whole time. I try every night to get her to sleep somewhere else and she won't have it. Seriously, I try for hours and hours some nights. Also, I can't turn the hairdryer or the swing off or she immediately wakes up.
I am just wondering if I am forming some bad habits for her that will be harder to break down the road or if she will gradually become less reliant on these habits on her own. I would like to wean her from these things but I don't know if it is too early... since I know she will cry the whole time! And I am not about to let her CIO at 8 weeks. What would you do?
Re: "Sleep Crutches" ... your thoughts
Wow, that's tough. DD isn't nearly that difficult and I wonder the same thing. DS was high needs and we had to sleep train him when it was appropriate. DD will sleep in her RnP or the swing so far (not consistently) but usually ends up on us sometime between 4-7am. That alone is frustrating. I guess I should consider myself lucky. I do wonder about the rocking, white noise, bouncing, paci, etc. and if we are setting ourselves up for sleep training i the future. I am perfectly fine rocking her to sleep now, but is it going to become what it did with DS...he wouldn't ever stay asleep when put down.
I would say your DD is still too young to worry about it at this point. You can't "make" them do something they aren't ok with at this point. You may have to sleep train in the future, but I can tell you first-hand, it's not that bad when you have been through what you have.
It's definately affecting my sleep and makes me so frustrated in the evening knowing that I will be tied down for 12+ hours straight. What's worse is that I have Restless Leg Syndrome and feel the need to constantly move and change positions which I can't do with her on me all night.
I just don't know how to change it...
While you work on it can DH help with cuddle duty? Even if just for a couple hours?
Does she spit up alot? My DD had acid reflux and wouldn't nap at all unless she was on me or in the swing because it hurt her to be flat on her back. Just an idea! I also find that my DD will fall asleep during a feeding and I think that she is full until I put her down...then she cries until I pick her back up again...so I have to make sure she is completely 100% full and burped until I put her down.
Maybe instead of a hair dryer you could try setting up a fan? My DD won't deep sleep without a fan going...which is fine with me because I like cool air blowing on me at night...even in the winter!