Hawaii Babies

??? Weekly Check-in ??? 10/31/2011

4forluck ? Elaine ? 09.20.07

MauidAims ? Kai ? 02.16.08
MrsNFB ? Sean Patrick ? 10.11.08

kauai_luv ? Waianuhea ? 04.04.09
kshiz ? Ella ? 04.04.09
bigislandhi ? Zoi ? 06.29.09
Mrs.Ziz ? Bella Kailani ? 07.24.09
Hawaiian Honey ? Matty ? 08.07.09
MrsWinter ? Ashton ? 08.14.09
myday1708 ? Alexa ? 09.09.09
missaloha ? Ellery ? 09.13.09
MrsNJSwimmer ? Billy ? 11.09.09
Trieulam - Kiptyn ? 11.12.09 & precious angel Kylie ? 11.12.09-1.28.10
MrsPresley ? Miss A ? 11.12.09
HulaLove ? Elyse ? 12.14.09

Married2MrWright ? Libby ? 01.25.10
Sanae78 ? Kaya ? 02.11.10
SirenSong ? Samara ? 02.16.10
? J ? 02.10
? Ryan ? 03.9.10
LisaKeiko ? Johnny ? 04.19.10
lorem ipsum ? Will & Dash ? 04.21.10
liubride510 ? Kailani ? 05.08.10
inamra ? B ? 05.10
rwright5 ? Mason Lee ? 06.03.10
supercoolnat ? Zachary ? 06.07.10
parrotgirl ? Mason ? 06.15.10
 ? Henry ? 07.22.10
MrsIH ? J ? 08.28.10 
Vanilla15 ? Adair ? 09.10  
ECUPirate04 ? Lauren ? 09.29.10 
mrsnickandnora ? Blake ? 10.07.10(?)
 ? Eleiana ? 11.03.10
SanHawaii08 ? E ? 11.09.10
annasan_k ? Zo? ? 12.17.10Oceangirl22 ? Kenley ? 01.05.11
johndrea - Everleigh - 01.12.11
kinibruin ? D ? 02.11
MrsZiz ? G ? 03.11
MauiBride2008 ? R ? 04.02.11
HappyGoLuckyGal - M - 04.13.2011
stargirl76  - A - 07.25.2011
Hawaiian Honey - Baby - 08.11.2011
MiniWheats - C - 08.13.2011
mrswinter - C - 09.29.2011
myday1708 - H - 09.30.2011

October 2011
10.10.11 - Emily-Victoria - maryNamory

November 2011
11.23.11 - Baby - HulaLove

January 2012
01.16.12 - Boy - Married2MrWright

February 2012
02.18.12 - Baby - adpilove
Post updated due dates or gender reports here. 
(1) What week are you in/how old is your LO?(2) How are you feeling? Any new milestones or news in the last week to share?(3) Next appointment date?  Any big ultrasounds/other exciting stuff coming up?(4) What's been your greatest BR challenge this past week?(5) What have you done to baby-proof your house?(6) When (if at all) do you plan to/did you introduce LO to TV/videos? What kind of videos do you use and for what purpose?
(7) Was there anything (baby related or not) you wished you planned better before baby arrived?
(8) What other questions would you like to see at upcoming check-ins?

TTCers:  Which cycle are you on?  Where in the cycle are you?  What, if anything, are you doing/trying for TTC success?
**PIP a picture if you like!!**
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Re: ??? Weekly Check-in ??? 10/31/2011

  • (1) What week are you in/how old is your LO? 18 months

    (2) How are you feeling? Any new milestones or news in the last week to share?

    (3) Next appointment date?  Any big ultrasounds/other exciting stuff coming up? Nov 11 for their 18 month checkup.

    (4) What's been your greatest BR challenge this past week? I posted about the biting issues we were having (99% of the time it was Dash biting Will), and now that the boys are old enough, this week I started doing some time-outs when the biting occurred. It totally worked! The first day was terrible - I think Dash got five time-outs (~45 seconds each). The second day he got two, and the third day he got one. Then we had several blissful bite-free days, followed by one time-out...and we haven't had any biting since then! We were having 5-6 biting incidents a day before this, so it's a HUGE relief!

    (5) What have you done to baby-proof your house? Ugh. This is a sore spot for me with the rental we're living in, since Aussie landlords won't let you do proper babyproofing (e.g., no drawer stops that involve screws).

    We have one baby gate blocking off the living room, since it currently houses all of Ben's electronic equipment and there's just no way we could keep the boys from tearing that stuff apart. We also have the kitchen blocked off, although I need to come up with a more secure solution (we can't screw the baby fence to the walls, so it's all tied on with string, which is both incredibly unattractive and not very secure).

    Other than that, they pretty much have free reign. We don't put breakable objects within their reach, and keep doors to rooms we don't want them in (e.g., the bathroom, our bedroom) closed.

    (6) When (if at all) do you plan to/did you introduce LO to TV/videos? What kind of videos do you use and for what purpose?

    We're waiting until they're 2 years old. It's what's recommended by most pediatric associations, and since we don't watch a lot of TV anyway (I don't even turn it on during the day, and we don't watch more than around 2 hours at night) it's not hard for us to do. The boys have seen TV occasionally - for example, the ILs often have theirs on during the day (usually news or nature or home improvement shows) when we visit - but that doesn't bother me.

    As far as shows/videos go, I'm one of those grinchy parents who haaaaates most children's TV. It's all so inane and annoying. When they do start watching it, they'll be limited to one program a day, and it will probably be either Sesame Street or the Wiggles (the only two I don't find incredibly obnoxious - and yes it is all about me lol).

    All of this said, I don't think TV is The Ultimate Evil the way some people portray it. I grew up without it - we lived in a rural area and had videos, but no regular TV - and although it did mean that we had to be creative and make our own fun (reading, board games, etc.), it also had its downsides. For example, like it or not, TV provides a lot of cultural references in our society. I often felt - and to some extent still do - like an outsider, and not necessarily in a good way. I will also admit that for myself, my sister and my brother, we all turned into TV junkies for around a year after we left home because we suddenly had unrestricted access to something we never had as children. And as kids, we tended to get overly distracted when we visited someone who had it, simply because of the novelty and lack of our exposure. So what I'm saying is that I don't think a total ban is necessary. Everything in moderation is my motto. Smile(BTW, I'm talking about this because in the past people on this board have asked about my experiences with a TV-free childhood, and whether I'd do it with my kids - I'm not just being a big ole AW!)

    (7) Was there anything (baby related or not) you wished you planned better before baby arrived? Hmm. I'm sitting here trying to think of something, and I really can't come up with anything. Not that I had everything perfectly planned, but I was pretty flexible, and I think that helped me adapt after they arrived, whether a situation met my expectations or not. I do wish I'd looked into soothing techniques a bit more before they were born - that would have prevented the panicked 2am downloads of white noise to play in their room lol!

    * the artist formerly known as redshoegirl *
    life in oz

  • (1) What week are you in/how old is your LO?  he'll be 1 next week!  eeps.

    (2) How are you feeling? Any new milestones or news in the last week to share?  hrm, no big milestones, i just feel like he's growing and learning and getting closer to really walking every day!  I'm feeling pretty good, trying to get into the holiday spirit.  a little stressed about holiday photos and his bday party (which I really have yet to plan...it will be super low-key, at our house)

    (3) Next appointment date?  Any big ultrasounds/other exciting stuff coming up?  in 2 weeks, for a slightly late 1-yr appt

    (4) What's been your greatest BR challenge this past week?  E really fought his naps on the weekend, i have no idea why.  and he's been a little overtired since then, and didn't sleep enough today either, sigh.  i am NOT looking forward to the time change this weekend!  i've been trying to slowly push his bedtime back so he's not going to bed at 4:30pm, but ugh.  we've been on a permanent early bedtime since the 2-1 nap transition

    (5) What have you done to baby-proof your house?  erm...we shut a few doors, and put in outlet covers in some of the rooms.  that's it Embarrassed  there's always someone watching E, so we're okay for now, but we'll eventually have to put up gates, lock cabinets, etc

    (6) When (if at all) do you plan to/did you introduce LO to TV/videos? What kind of videos do you use and for what purpose?  we'll wait until at least 2.  our TV isn't even hooked up.  what i'm more worried about it the computer.  MH and I are on our laptops all.the.time, though we try not to when E is awake.  i'm sure he'll be spending time with an ipad (or more likely, a kindle fire!), especially when we need to keep him quiet and occupied for longer periods of time.

    (7) Was there anything (baby related or not) you wished you planned better before baby arrived?  hrm...not really...?  i'm sure someone will mention something that will make me go - "oh, right - that! me too!!" hah.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    (4) What's been your greatest BR challenge this past week? I posted about the biting issues we were having (99% of the time it was Dash biting Will), and now that the boys are old enough, this week I started doing some time-outs when the biting occurred. It totally worked! The first day was terrible - I think Dash got five time-outs (~45 seconds each). The second day he got two, and the third day he got one. Then we had several blissful bite-free days, followed by one time-out...and we haven't had any biting since then! We were having 5-6 biting incidents a day before this, so it's a HUGE relief!

    That is GREAT news!  I'm so glad it's working!

    imagelorem ipsum:

    As far as shows/videos go, I'm one of those grinchy parents who haaaaates most children's TV. It's all so inane and annoying. When they do start watching it, they'll be limited to one program a day, and it will probably be either Sesame Street or the Wiggles (the only two I don't find incredibly obnoxious - and yes it is all about me lol).

    MH has this problem too - but he's learned to tolerate everything on Disney that he didn't like at first except Little Einsteins.  But I also knew that MH is a TV addict and that there was NO WAY my kid wasn't going to have the tv as background noise with MH as a SAHD, so I didn't even go after that battle.  I honestly haven't seen it as being a hindrance to his development, though (which was an argument I was planning on using to MH if it was an issue) - in fact, the pedi was surprised that he knew all his numbers and colors last time we were in. 


  • (1) What week are you in/how old is your LO? DS will be 2 next week!

    (2) Any new milestones or news in the last week to share?  I'm still feeling mostly sad (see previous post), but DS has had an exciting week.  Halloween was a treat with us finding out he REALLY doesn't like people in masks (insert screaming child here, saying "bye-bye" rapidly and repeatedly! He also gets to spend an extra long day with Daddy today (I have a grief counseling appt tonight) and Saturday (I have the 2nd funeral then).  He's picked up a bunch of new words and said "sugar" when he tasted a Peep for the first time the other day, lol  His cuteness just seems to get better all the time.  I love his hugs and the way he rubs my back when he's giving me a long hug!

    (3) Next appointment date?   2 yr old checkup next week - then just once/year after that!

    (4) What's been your greatest BR challenge this past week? diaper changes - he's really fighting them!

    (5) What have you done to baby-proof your house?  locks on the cabinets in kitchen and bathrooms, gates to close off the living room to keep him in there, we're soon going to need those things to put on the door knobs, b/c he can reach them and he's learning how to open them, outlet covers, and we keep moving breakable things to higher ground, but it's getting to the point where we are probably goign to have to put some of it away

    (6) When (if at all) do you plan to/did you introduce LO to TV/videos? What kind of videos do you use and for what purpose?   he was pretty much introduced when he was born - since DH was going to be a SAHD, it was something I Had to be ok with.  They watch a lot of Disney and some Nickolodeon and lots of sports!

    (7) Was there anything (baby related or not) you wished you planned better before baby arrived?  I wish we took a breastfeeding class

  • (1) What week are you in/how old is your LO?

    She'll be 21 months in 9 days.

    (2) How are you feeling? Any new milestones or news in the last week to share?

    She surprises me EVERY DAY with her new words/phrases.  She'll say stuff I didn't even know she knew.  Like the other day she wanted to hold some apple sauce from the pantry so I gave it to her and she started saying "apple sauce" over and over although it took me a couple minutes to realize she was saying it.  (Sounded like "appo zoss".)  And she pretty much copies everything we say now.  Like today B was singing "baby it's cold outside" and she said "cold outside" (although it sounded more like "dold outzide". LOL.)

    (3) Next appointment date?  Any big ultrasounds/other exciting stuff coming up?

    Not until her 2 year check up.  

    (4) What's been your greatest BR challenge this past week?

    Hmm.  Not much.  I've just been exhausted so I've been napping when she naps a lot of days.

    (5) What have you done to baby-proof your house?

    Not a whole lot.  We have a gate between the living room and kitchen and we have the play yard open to block off the tv area.  We also have some outlet covers and that's really it.  We still just follow her around and tell her not to touch certain things.  If we need to put her down somewhere safe for a minute we just put her in her crib or PNP.

    (6) When (if at all) do you plan to/did you introduce LO to TV/videos? What kind of videos do you use and for what purpose?

    We started her on the Meet the Letters DVD at around 9 months, just when we were in the bathroom getting ready and we needed to put her in the PNP.  She wouldn't really watch at first or she'd watch for a few minutes then get bored.  At about 15 months (I think) we let her watch all the different Meet the ____ DVDs while we were working out in the next room.  (We tried to just keep her in the PNP in the room with us with toys in the PNP but she just whined/cried the whole time.) 

    I'm kinda bad about the tv thing.  I grew up a tv addict and many of my best memories of my childhood are watching certain shows with my mom.  I do keep the tv on while we play in the living room because it's kind of a comfort thing for me.  I always had the tv on (including while studying) and I can have it on and totally not pay attention to it.  I also used to put on the sleep timer and fall asleep with the tv on (up until just a few years ago).  I just like the noise.

    All that being said, I do not want Kaya to be a couch potato.  Not that I think she ever could be.  She can't sit still for more than a minute.  She did like watching So You Think You Can Dance, though.  It was one of the few things on tv that mesmerized her.

    (7) Was there anything (baby related or not) you wished you planned better before baby arrived?

    Everything!  Every aspect of your life is turned upside down once baby arrives but I'm not sure there's anything you can really do to prepare/plan for it. 


  • (1) What week are you in/how old is your LO? 15 months

    (2) Any new milestones or news in the last week to share? EVery day he finds more and more things funny.  He's really developing a sense of humor.  He tries to feed me off his spoon....hilarious.  He takes off his shoe....hilarious.  He stuffs his whole mouth full of crackers.....hilarious.  everything is hilarious these days!

    (3) Next appointment date?   On Monday for 15 months appt.

    (4) What's been your greatest BR challenge of the past week? It's more my struggle than his, but he really doesn't want to snuggle anymore.  At bedtime after he gets his pajamas on he either wants to play or just wants to lie down and go to sleep.  No more cuddles.  I keep pushing it, and I miss my snuggle time, but he's really independent now, and it's making me sad.  :(

    (5) What have you done to baby-proof your house?  Certain cabinets and drawers have locks, and we have a big gate in the living room that blocks both the up and down staircases.  Oh, and outlet covers.  We tried corner covers on the tables where he plays, but he pulled them right back off, so we gave up on those.

    (6) When (if at all) do you plan to/did you introduce LO to TV/videos? What kind of videos do you use and for what purpose?   He doesn't watch TV yet.  We only have about 2 hours together in the evening, and I don't want to spend that time with the TV on.  In fact, I watch very little TV at all anymore.  Sometimes an hour after he goes to bed, but even that's getting rarer and rarer.  And on weekends we're outside a lot of the day.  I may relent and allow about a half hour of something like Sesame Street when it's too cold too go outside, but we'll see.  The few times he's seen a TV on (usually at other people's houses) he's not that interested.  And if he's not interested, I'm certainly not going to push it.

    (7) Was there anything (baby related or not) you wished you planned better before baby arrived?  I did take a BF class, but I guess maybe I wish I had taken a better one?  Or prepared some other way. Though, ultimately, you really can't prepare for it by talking about it....you just have to do it.

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • (1) What week are you in/how old is your LO? 

    7 months today!

    (2) How are you feeling? Any new milestones or news in the last week to share? 

    R has started to almost crawl.  His stomach isn't off the ground yet, but he is scooting all over the place.  I'm going to have to contain him very soon.

    (3) Next appointment date?  Any big ultrasounds/other exciting stuff coming up?

    Not until his 9 month well visit in January

    (4) What's been your greatest BR challenge this past week?

    Absolutely the teething!  His first one just busted through while we were in Kansas City.  That one is still working on coming in and now the second bottom tooth is at the gum line but hasn't busted through yet.  The whining, being clingy, fussiness, not wanting to play on his own, but yet not wanting me to hold him either is driving me crazy!  I know he can't help it and I feel bad for him because he is in such pain, but it's really exhausting.

    (5) What have you done to baby-proof your house?

    We haven't started yet, but we will soon!

    (6) When (if at all) do you plan to/did you introduce LO to TV/videos? What kind of videos do you use and for what purpose?

    I don't really know.  I don't mind him watching a couple shows a day (like while watching breakfast), but I don't want him to be a couch potato TV junkie either.  I'm all for the TV during breakfast time as long as it's educational for him.  After that, the TV will be off for the remainder of the day. 

    I'm guilty though because I have the TV on all day long while I do stuff around the house.  I'm going to have to change that once he actually takes an interest to it.  I just like having it on in the background for some background noise.

    (7) Was there anything (baby related or not) you wished you planned better before baby arrived?

     I second the breast feeding course.  I never really focused on this much and I wish I had.  Also I wish I had researched convertible car seats instead of just buying an infant one because R is already about to outgrow his Peg Perego carseat and it's only been 7 months!  I feel like I could have spent the $$ in a seat that I could have got more use out of.  

    (8) What other questions would you like to see at upcoming check-ins?

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    | Olowalu, Maui ~ August 6, 2008 |
    | Family of 4 ~ April 2, 2011 |
    | Family of 5 - October 24, 2012 |
  • imageMrsNJSwimmer:

    I love his hugs and the way he rubs my back when he's giving me a long hug!

    aww, this sounds amazing! 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • (1) What week are you in/how old is your LO?

    Almost 19 months

    (2) How are you feeling? Any new milestones or news in the last week to share?

    A just started saying two word phrases, his first being "mama up!" -- what he says when he wants me to get out of bed in the morning or get up to help him with something. He also likes to point up and say "up!", then down and say "doon!" (while getting into a squat) and likes to do it over and over again, very loudly too. It's a fun and cute stage.

    (3) Next appointment date? Any big ultrasounds/other exciting stuff coming up?

    (4) What's been your greatest BR challenge this past week?

    Nothing in particular, although we're always working on getting him to stay asleep without needing tending to throughout the whole night. We're slowly getting there...

    (5) What have you done to baby-proof your house?

    We got the octagonal baby play yard, but he hated being confined to it. It was still a great purchase, though, because we stretched it out to protect the off-limits areas. The other must-haves were the cabinet locks that clamp over cabinet handles. I didn't get gates, but just kept the doors to bedrooms and bathrooms closed. 


    (6) When (if at all) do you plan to/did you introduce LO to TV/videos? What kind of videos do you use and for what purpose?

    I'm not totally against it, but I plan to keep TV and media devices to a minimum for a while. Kids definitely learn from TV and media, which can be great, but I think he'll get lots of that later and I try to limit it now so that he develops stronger interests in creative and outdoor play. Still, he gets exposed (a little with us, more so if he's with his grandparents), and that's OK. We sometimes have the morning show on while we get ready and although he doesn't watch it, I notice him glancing up from his play regularly, and I don't like that we're interrupting him in that way. He's also used to watching live sports, so now that it's football season, he shows interest when that's on TV -- grabbing his football, running around and saying "touchdown" and "run, run, run". I don't love that this is on every weekend now, but I guess it's family bonding, since we all enjoy it and talk about what's going on. If I had to choose programming for him, I'd be OK with Sesame Street (so much research and testing goes into their shows) and possibly with some of the other PBS programs. Everything in moderation, I guess. :)

    7) Was there anything (baby related or not) you wished you planned better before baby arrived?

    Not really. I think I over-thought things and over-planned. Maybe I wish I had talked more to other moms to gain more confidence in myself -- believing that I'd be able to handle whatever came our way. It was nice when I finally relaxed a little and just "felt" like a mom, rather trying to follow a script about the one I "ought" to be.

    (8) What other questions would you like to see at upcoming check-ins?

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • (1) What week are you in/how old is your LO? 14wks, 4d

    (2) How are you feeling? Any new milestones or news in the last week to share? Pretty great. I went back to work on Monday, so A was in daycare Mon/Wed. He seems to have gotten much better there and sleeps better at night too!

    (3) Next appointment date?  Any big ultrasounds/other exciting stuff coming up? Just 4 month appt.

    (4) What's been your greatest BR challenge this past week? Nothing really. Leaving him at day care twice was a little bit rough, but going back to work was... fulfilling. Also, sleep seems to have clicked all of a sudden with him and he's falling into a nap/sleep pattern.

    (5) What have you done to baby-proof your house? I'm interested in other answers because I'm worried about when he starts moving around. We have so much stuff all over the place!

    (6) When (if at all) do you plan to/did you introduce LO to TV/videos? What kind of videos do you use and for what purpose? Again, not really sure and I'd like to see others. We have the TV a lot for background noise as well, and sometimes A will stare. I guess it's the lights and colors. But he particularly likes Giada de Laurentis and starts talking when she's on TV.

    (7) Was there anything (baby related or not) you wished you planned better before baby arrived? I also wish I had done a breastfeeding class...

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imageMauiBride2008:
    I'm guilty though because I have the TV on all day long while I do stuff around the house.  I'm going to have to change that once he actually takes an interest to it.  I just like having it on in the background for some background noise.

    Us too! I guess I'll have to switch to the music channels and turn the TV off when he does really take interest...

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • (1) What week are you in/how old is your LO?

    29 weeks PG and Libby is 21 months

    (2) How are you feeling? Any new milestones or news in the last week to share?

    Starting to feel BIG. Libby is growing like a weed but still in 2T for width but the length is starting to get short. I've found that Gymboree runs a little longer so I've been trolling eBay for deals.

    (3) Next appointment date? Any big ultrasounds/other exciting stuff coming up?

    I have an OB appt. on Monday. Libby has her first dental appt. next Friday.

    (4) What's been your greatest BR challenge this past week?

    Just keeping up with an active toddler now that I am in the third trimester.

    (5) What have you done to baby-proof your house?

    We've put in outlet covers into all plugs. Installed gates at the top and bottom of the stairs. Put foam trim on the brick fireplace. And basically just keep things up and out of reach for her so so she can come/go safely.

    (6) When (if at all) do you plan to/did you introduce LO to TV/videos? What kind of videos do you use and for what purpose?

    We're a TV free household (well my mom has a TV in her room but Libby doesn't watch it...at least as far as I know Wink) She has seen some videos online...mainly YouTube with short clips of baby animals or short clips/songs from Disney movies.

    I am trying to find a DVD of excerpts from Disney movies with just the popular/fun songs so we can put that one for her every once in a while and just play her a couple of songs. Maybe 10 minutes tops?

    We do an online preschool program called Starfall with her about 10-15 minutes  a day and she REALLY likes that...www.starfall.com but that's about it for her "screen time."

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