I know a bunch of you do the POAS even after taking the HCG booster shots. I know there are different length of days that the RE's recommend for waiting. Some of the posters mentioned testing every day and waiting waiting until the second line goes away so that they know that they are getting a real reading.
So I took my second 2500 mg booster shot...which is a fairly low dosage and have been testing everyday and have had a positive test everyday. Today I am at +5 testing and 14dpo, and I got another positive. Right now I have 2 more days that are "FALSE POSITIVE" days supposedly...should I expect that the line should have dissappeared and come back?
I'm really hopeful, which I feel like I shouldn't be. I POAS a few days after the first booster and didn't get a false positive though so I'm hoping it might be some of my own HCG that is driving the positive tests.
So I guess I'm wondering if anyone knows what the norm is? Anybody take a low dose booster and have the effects go away sooner?
Re: Question to you POAS'ers with HCG boosters
Endometriosis, s/p lap 2009
Behcet's disease, s/p partial vulvectomy 2010
Started bromocriptine to lower prolactin level 2010
Clear HSG 11/2010
DH morphology = 4, rest of SA looked good 01/2011
02/2011 First Clomid 50mg cycle
BFP 03/02/2011
No heartbeat at 10w5d 04/18/2011; D&C 04/23/2011
07/2011 Second Clomid 50mg cycle, BFN
08/2011 Third Clomid 50mg cycle, BFN
10/2011 First Clomid 100mg cycle with Ovidrel trigger = BFN
11/2011 Second Clomid 100mg cycle with Ovidrel trigger = BFN
12/2011 Third Clomid 100mg cycle with Ovidrel trigger = BFFN
01/2012 Fourth Clomid 100mg cycle with Ovidrel trigger = ?
Darn...I'm sorry your bloodtest was a negative...and believe me I know I am usually a pessimist or a don't want to jinx it type but I think it was the Nurse from my RE's office who is never very positive being more so than usual that taught me to hope. Well I'm going to try to remain hopeful that I get 3 more days of +'s and then I may be in the clear. At least AF hasn't shown up just yet.