I am starting to think that everytime Tori Spelling picks a name for one of her babies out of a sudden everyone starts naming their babies the same names
2007 Liam was born and you can't go anywhere and not find a Liam
2008 Stella came along and again Stellas everywhere
2011 Hattie arrived and I already heard 2 girls talking about naming their baby girls Hattie
Coincidence? I am starting to think NOT
Re: Tori Spelling a baby name trend setter?
In the community I live in I know no Liams (though it is on our name list for this LO), no Stellas and only one Hattie that is 10.. so named before that.
Liam in the only name of hers that I care for at all. Stella & Hattie especially clash in my opinion.
There may be plenty of these names out here, thank goodness they're not here though!
There is also a character named Hattie in the tv show Parenthood.
Married 8-02-08
After 3 years TTC with PCOS and two losses Olivia Nikelle was born 4-08-13
TTC #2 Since August 2014
She does pick decent names, IMO . . . which is not necessarily what I would have expected from her.
ETA: Though I would prefer Hattie as short for Harriet or something else.
This exactly. Liam and Stella were already popular when she used them. Now, if Hattie takes off, then I might say she's a trendsetter. Hattie is one old lady name I don't care for.
DD #1 born 4/1/2012
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