School-Aged Children


Does anyone have a child with a tic?

DS is 9 and we have noticed a few tics (he pumps his fists, taps his foot behind his leg when standing still and squints/blinks several times in a row)

He says he can't control it and he needs to do it-which I know is true

I am just wondering if this is something we need to make a dr appt about or wait until his 10 year checkup in march to discuss


Re: Tics

  • Everything that Auntie said!!

    My oldest DD has had tics since about 3rd grade. She doesn't have a dx of Tourrettes either because her tics move and she typically doesn't have more than 1 at a time. We just had to learn to ignore them. She has had vocal grunting/throat clearing, and a variety of other tics but currently she has an eye-roll/blink tic. She isn't bothered by them and doesn't really notice them and it definitely gets worse when her anxiety is up.


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