Attachment Parenting

He fell asleep w/o nursing for the second time ever tonight...

I mean - technically - he has gone to sleep w/a bottle before bed before.  But last week, instead of nursing and then playing w/my hair - he just played w/my hair and drifted off to sleep.  I figured it was just a fluke and wouldn't happen again for a long time - but it happened again tonight.

It's just odd - I remember when he was first born and he lived in the ergo.  I used to worry he would never learn to crawl or walk because I wore him so much - but over time he was in it less and less and now he is toddling everywhere...

And we nursed to sleep from infancy until about 11 months - we started nursing and then playing w/my hair afterwards.  I used to think I would never be able to put him to sleep w/o nursing.  Now I see how quickly these stages really do go by.  I think in some ways it will help me be more patient if/when there is a seocnd..

 I will still offer to let him nurse before bed and I'm sure he will continue to accept for some time to come.  But I can see how it could someday - and it is beautiful/too fast/right on time - all at once...

Re: He fell asleep w/o nursing for the second time ever tonight...

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